Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 11 of 35

Inaugural EaD Class discusses technology-mediated education

Publicado em 9 de June de 2021 por

Categorias: distance education News technology-mediated education UFRN

The Inaugural Class of the Academic Semester 2021.1 of the distance undergraduate courses at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) took place this Tuesday night, June 8th. With the participation of the dean José Daniel Diniz Melo, the event had the lecture Education mediated by technologies – a way to transform lives and places given by the former dean of UFRN and coordinator of the Augusto Severo Technology Park (PAX), Ângela Maria Paiva Cruz.

The opening of the Inaugural Class of 2021.1 was carried out by the dean Daniel Diniz, when the professor welcomed the new students. The manager also reinforced the importance of discussing the topic technology-mediated education by teacher Ângela Paiva, due to the experience and contributions of the teacher to the area of ​​distance education at the university and in the state.

The Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Maria das Vitórias de Sá, highlighted the joy of having so many EaD students spread throughout RN. The teacher also spoke about the academic calendar and the pedagogical project, in addition to giving guidance on personal expectations and the social role of each one’s professional performance.

The EaD/UFRN secretary, Carmem Rêgo, wished the new students a good semester by encouraging them to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the institution, aiming at a quality education. As for the assistant secretary of EaD/UFRN, Ione Morais, the 2021.1 starts in a context marked by the pandemic, but also by the hope with the arrival of new students.

Then, Ione Morais mediated the lecture Education mediated by technologies – a way to transform lives and places, which was given by the former dean of the University, Ângela Paiva, and can be watched on the Sedis on Youtube Channel.

Williane Silva – ASCOM-Rector

SEDIS promotes an adaptation course for new EaD / UFRN students

Publicado em 7 de May de 2021 por

Categorias: event News special technology-mediated education UFRN

The Quilombola Coati Community is located in the Lagoa do Mato District, in the rural area of ​​Luís Gomes, in the Alto Oeste Potiguar Region, about 440 kilometers from Natal. From there, comes one of several examples of social inclusion provided by Distance Education. At the age of 21, Maria Eduarda da Silva celebrates approval in the Distance Education Pedagogy Course by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

With the help of the internet, we talked to her to find out what her expectations for academic life are: “it will be something new and challenging for me, I always wanted to go to college, but I didn’t imagine it would be the distance, I’m very happy” . According to Maria Eduarda, “Pedagogy forms a multidisciplinary professional, capable of acting in the teaching and learning processes, to teach children, young people and adults to read and write”. According to her, these teachings could be used in the Quilombola Community.

In the month of June of this year, the 2021.1 academic semester will begin for new students of Distance Learning courses approved in the selection processes coordinated by UFRN’s Permanent Center for Competitions (Comperve), which took place between December 2020 and January this year. To help in the setting with this teaching modality, the University’s Pedagogical Coordination of Distance Education and the Academic Advisory of the Distance Education Secretariat (SEDIS / UFRN) will promote the course “Student Training in Distance Education”.

According to the Pedagogical Coordinator of Distance Education / UFRN, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, the main objective of the course is to enable understanding about the concepts and characteristics of Distance Education, considering the centrality of the student in the teaching and learning process, in addition to presenting the possibilities of academic experiences and the routine of distance education students at UFRN.

The program was divided into three modules, which will be held from May 31 to June 2, 2021, always starting at 7 pm, in the Virtual Learning Environment “Moodle Mandacaru Acadêmico”. Registrations can be made from May 18 to 31 via SIGAA (access a video tutorial). For more details on the schedule, click here.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

ESUD 2021 website is launched

Publicado em 4 de May de 2021 por

Categorias: ESUD 2021 LAIS News special technology-mediated education UFRN UniRede

The largest congress of Higher Education at a distance in Brazil and one of the main events of Distance Education in the world has a date set to happen: from October 19 to 22, 2021. This year, the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS / UFRN), the Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS / UFRN) and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) will receive the XVIII Brazilian Congress of Higher Distance Education (ESUD) and the VII International Congress of Higher Distance Education ( CIESUD).

For those who want to stay on top of all the news, the ESUD 2021 / CIESUD 2021 website is already on the air and will bring the main information about registrations, work submissions, programming, speakers, with a prominent space for the central theme of the event: “Education, Technology and Social Resilience: what we learned from the pandemic”. This theme has been part of the daily activities of UFRN, LAIS / UFRN and SEDIS / UFRN in times of pandemic, mainly in the joint production of solutions to face the covid-19.

To those who do not remember, in 2018, UFRN, through SEDIS and with the support of LAIS, received the face-to-face edition of the simultaneous events promoted by the Associação Universidad em Rede (UniRede). Now, considering the context of the covid-19 pandemic, Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, will be the geographic center of the discussions, but the format in which they will take place will be different. The entire program will be carried out in a hybrid manner, with the presence of a limited number of guests and with a reduced staff in the organization.

Visit the ESUD 2021 / CIESUD 2021 website and share this good news.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

BaseLab from LAIS / UFRN and SEDIS / UFRN develops and launches new RU app

Publicado em 22 de April de 2021 por

Categorias: News partnership UFRN

BaseLab, sector that works in projects of the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS / UFRN) and of the Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS / UFRN), developed the new UK application in order to guarantee a better experience for users from the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (RU / UFRN). The area responsible for this is called “UX Design”, short for User Experience Design, in English. In a literal translation, it would be “user experience design”.

Based on the user experience, a company’s websites and applications, for example, are designed to meet their main needs, when they have access to virtual platforms. This is one of BaseLab’s missions that works in the prototyping of applications, systems, websites, hotsites and other digital solutions destined to LAIS / UFRN and SEDIS / UFRN events or projects.

According to Carol Mayer, who manages the demands of BaseLab, much of the production is the result of research by Master and Doctoral students who develop projects at LAIS. She points out that, among the main changes in the app, are changes in the interface and the possibilities for the user to check the balance available for meals and to know the nutritional information of each dish served.

For the Director of the RU / UFRN, Michele Medeiros, the new app of the RU “is a wonderful tool for the user, since he will have a greater facility to see the menu of the day, whether he likes it or not, being able to decide more fast and quiet what will compose your meal at that moment. In addition to being able to see, in the palm of your hand, if you will have credit available to make your meal or if you will have to provide recharge for this, everything in a practical and quick way ”.

According to Carlos Gabriel Melo, Leader of the Mobile Team of the Information Technology Superintendence (STI / UFRN), the former SINFO, there was a change in the technology used in the UK app and, for this reason, the old app should be uninstalled and replaced by this new version that is now available for download. To download the new UK app, you can click here.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector