
The Secretariat of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was created in June 2003, with the objective of fomenting Education in its distance modality and stimulating the use of information and communication technologies as a teaching and learning tool. Operating in the Civic Square of the Central Campus, SEDIS is able to provide pedagogical and technical assistance for projects of distance courses.

The organizational structure of SEDIS-UFRN, in accordance with the Institution’s Rules of Procedure, includes:

  • Secretary’s Office
  • Technical assistance
  • Coordinates:
    – Pedagogical (COORDPED)
    – Administrative and Project Management (CAP)
    – Information Technology (ITC)
    – Production of Didactic Materials (CPMD)
  • Administrative Secretary.
    SEDIS also has a support structure represented by the Asset Division.
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Education and communication materials
Print Publishing

We publish printed printed material and own publications produced by other units of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.


We have edited e-books from didactic materials and printed books produced by other sectors of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Digital and interactive

We produce digital and interactive materials to give greater visibility to content produced by expert teachers in various areas of knowledge.


We have a specific sector for audiovisual productions, such as institutional videos, promotional videos and reports. In addition, a studio is available for the production of videotapes.


Support poles

Caicó is a Brazilian municipality belonging to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Main city in the Seridó region, distant 256 km from the capital, Natal. Its territory occupies an area of ​​1,228,583 km ², equivalent to 2.33% of the state surface, positioning it as the fifth municipality with greater extension of Rio Grande do Norte.
Its population in 2018 was estimated at 67,554 inhabitants, which places it as the seventh most populous city in the state, being the second most populous in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, with a population density of 51.04 inhabitants per km².

Polo de Apoio Presencial UAB Caicóuabcaico@yahoo.com.br
UFRN/CERES – Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó
Adress: Rua José Evaristo, s/n.º, Penedo, CEP 59300-000.
Telephone: (84) 99975-0886
Coordinator:  Tânia Cristina Meira Garcia – tania_cristina2005@yahoo.com.br
Support: Djanni Martinho Sobrinho
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99474-6640

Caraúbas is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), located in the Apodi Plateau Microregion and Potiguar West Meso-region in the northeast of the country, two hundred and ninety-six (296 km) kilometers from the state capital Natal. According to IBGE, in the year 2018 its population was estimated at 20,443 inhabitants, and its territorial area is 1,095,803 km2.

Presential Support Center UAB Sertão das Caraubeiraspoloabcaraubas@gmail.com

Municipal School Josué de Oliveira
Address: Alfredo Alves de Azevedo Street, 212, Dr. Sebastião Maltez Fernandes, CEP 59780-000
Phone: (84) 99474-6644
Coordinator: Antônia Joenilma Menezes de Oliveira – joenilmaexito@bol.com.br
Technical Support: To be defined
Institutional Phone: (84) 99474-6644

Currais Novos is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is located in the region of Seridó, central region of the state on the border with the state of Paraíba, 172 km from the capital of the RN, Natal. According to data from the 2010 Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), its population is composed of 42,652 inhabitants, being thus the largest municipality of the microregion, the second of the mesoregion and the ninth most populous of the entire state.

UAB Currais Novos Presencial Support Polehttp://polo-de-curraisnovos.blogspot.com.br

UFRN / CERES – Seridó Higher Education Center
Address: Rua Manoel Lopes Filho, 138, Valfredo Galvão. CEP: 59.380-000
Phone: (84) 3342-2250 – Extension: 400
Coordinator: Edneide Maria Pinheiro Galvão – edneidemariag@bol.com.br
Technical support: Maria Suília da Silva Cortez
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99474-6641

Extremoz is a Brazilian municipality located on the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Belonging to the Microregion of Natal and the Meso-region of Eastern Potiguar, as well as to the Metropolitan Region of Natal and the Polo Coast of the Dunes, it is located 16 kilometers from the capital, Natal. The population of the municipality, according to the 2010 Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), is composed of 24,569 inhabitants.

UAB Support Center Darcy Ribeiro

Address: Rua Projetada, s / nº, Loteamento Áurea, Centro. Zip code: 59.575-000
Phone: (84) 98855.7410
Coordinator: Kleber Gomes de Azevedo
Cel. Institutional: (84) 98855.7410

Grossos is a coastal municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the micro-region of Mossoró. According to the IBGE, its population, in 2018, is estimated at 10,302 inhabitants. Its main beaches are Barra, Pernambuquinho and Areias Alvas, popular because of the gastronomy (seafood, fish and shrimps), the tranquility they offer and the practice of sports, such as kite surfing.

UAB Educa Grossos Presencial Support Centerhttps://www.facebook.com/poloeducagrossos

Address: Av. Raimundo Gonçalves de Oliveira, 10 – Boa Esperança, Grossos. CEP: 59.6785-000
Phone: (84) 3327-3562
Coordinator: Doriedson Costa e Silva – doriedsoncosta@gmail.com
Technical support: Kléber Victor de Oliveira

Guamaré is a municipality located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, being part of the microregion of Macao, Central Meso-region Potiguar and Polo Costa Branca. According to the IBGE, in 2018, its population was estimated at 15,349 inhabitants. Guamaré stands out as one of the municipalities that produce the most oil, having in its territory an industrial pole of Petrobras.

Presential Support Center UAB Guamaréuabguamare12@gmail.com
Address: Monsenhor Jose Tibúrcio Street, s/n – Centro, Guamaré-RN, CEP: 59.598-000
Phone: (84) 99911-0269
Coordinator: Márcia Meyre Abreu Leite Bezerra – marcia_leite2009@hotmail.com
Technical support: Tânia Leonor da Câmara Olegário
Institutional: (84) 99911-0269

Lajes, a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the microregion of Angicos. According to the IBGE, in 2018, its population is estimated at 11,208 inhabitants. Territorial area of ​​676,625 km ². It has one of the most famous reliefs in Rio Grande do Norte, the peak of Cabugi, with 590 meters of altitude. Lajes is located in the Central Region of the State, distant 125 km from the capital.

UAB Lajes Presence Support Pole – uablajesrn.blogspot.com

Municipal School Maria da Conceição Salviano Cavalcante
Address: R. Coronel Joaquim Teixeira, s / n – Centro, Lajes / RN, CEP: 59535-000
Phone: (84) 99909-6111
Coordinator: Claudionor de Melo da Silva – cdmds@uol.com.br
Technical support: Edilene Santos
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99909-6111

Luís Gomes is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is located in the Upper West Potiguar region, as well as in the western Meso-region Potiguar and in the micro-region of the Serra de São Miguel, at a distance of 442 kilometers west of the state capital, Natal. Occupying an area is 166,638 km², of which 1,1666 km² are from urban areas. The population of the municipality estimated, in the year 2018, by IBGE, is 10,086 inhabitants.

Presential Support Center UAB Alzenir Pereira Firmino Nunes – Municipal School Padre Osvaldo

Address: Senhora Santana Avenue, 17 – Centro, Luis Gomes/RN, CEP: 59940-000
Phone: (84) 99983-2020
Coordination: Joseani Martins da Costa – puaplgcoordena@outlook.com
Technical Support: Leonardo Batista Cipriano, Manoel Lemos e Sônia Maria de Almeida
Institutional Phone: (84) 99983-2020

Macau is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the Macao micro-region, in the Central Potiguar Meso-region and in the Costa Branca Pole. According to the IBGE, its population, in 2018, is estimated at 31,584 inhabitants. Macau has a land area of ​​775,302 km² and is located 175 km from the state capital, Natal. The municipality of Macao is in a region producing sea salt (one of the main in Brazil), oil and fish, being one of the largest domestic producers of sardines.

UAB Macau Support Center – https://www.facebook.com/Polo-Uab-Macau

UFRN – Professor Benito Maia Barros Campus
Address: Rua Padre João Clemente, s / no, Porto de São Pedro. Zip code: 59.500-000
Phone: (84) 99430-5277
Coordinator: Prof. Geraldo Alves Diniz – geradoadiniz@gmail.com
Luís Bouquillard – luisbouquilard@yahoo.com.br
Technical support: Aleuda Santos Oliveira
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99430-5277

Marcelino Vieira is a municipality in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Belonging to the Pau dos Ferros Microregion and the West Potiguar Meso-region, it is located 390 km from the state capital. It occupies an area of ​​345,707 km², and only 0.36682 km² are in urban perimeter. Its population is estimated at 8,358 inhabitants, according to IBGE.

UAB Support Center Marcelino Vieirahttp://uabpolomarcelinovieira.blogpot.com.br

Address: Travessa Néo Pontes, s / n, Centro. Zip Code: 59.970-000
Phone: (84) 99648-4321
Coordinator: Francimeire Cesário de Oliveira Queiroz – meire.c@hotmail.com
Technical support: José Liomar Mendes de Oliveira
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99648-4321

Martins is a Brazilian municipality located in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is located at an altitude of 745 meters, 377 km from the state capital Natal. A mountain town located at the foot of the Serras de Martins, it is considered the “Princesa serrana” or “Campos do Jordão do Rio Grande do Norte”, due to its pleasant climate and clean air in contrast to the semi-arid climate of other regions of the interior of the state. According to IBGE, in 2018, its population is estimated at 8,912 inhabitants.

UAB Martins Presence Support Centerwww.facebook.com/UAB.EAD

State School Joaquim Inácio
Address: Rua Antonio Marcelino, s / n Praça Jocelyn Villar – Bairro Jocelyn Villar, Martins / RN, CEP: 59535-000
Phone: (84) 99229-6431
Coordinator: Hélia de Oliveira Silva – holiveira36@gmail.com
Technical Support: Nila Rafaela Leite de Lima
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99917-7308 / (84) 98804-5070

Nova Cruz is a Brazilian municipality located in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Meso-region and Microregion of Agreste Potiguar. According to IBGE, in 2018, its population is estimated at 37,233 inhabitants, being the twelfth most populous municipality in the state. Territorial area of ​​277,658 km².

Presential Support Center UAB Nova Cruz
UFRN/NESA – Agreste Higher Educantion Center
Adress: Assis Chateaubriand, s/nº, Center, CEP 59215-000
Phone: (84) 99474-6653
Coordinator: Luiz Augusto de Morais Filho – moraesnatal@globo.com
Technical support: Monique Pereira da Costa
Institutional Phone: (84) 99474-6653

Parnamirim is a Brazilian municipality located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Belonging to the Metropolitan Region of Natal, to the Meso-region of East Potiguar and to the microregion of Natal, it is located to the south of the state capital, distant of this twelve kilometers. It occupies an area of ​​120,202 km², and its population in 2018 is estimated at 255,793 inhabitants, according to the IBGE, and is the third most populous municipality in the state.

Presential Support Center UAB Parnamirim – https://www.facebook.com/polouabparnamirim/

Municipal School Augusto Severo
Address: Sargeant Norberto Marques Street, 158, Centro, Parnamirim. CEP 59140-230
Phone: (84) 99171-1686
Coordination: Gildecy Souza da Silva – gildecyparnamirim.souza@yahoo.com.br
Technical Support: Eriko da Silva Batista e Joelmir Alex de Sousa Barbosa  
Institutional Phone: (84) 9474-6654

São Gonçalo do Amarante is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the mesorregion of the East Potiguar and microregion of Macaíba. Its population, according to the IBGE, the population, in 2018 is 101,102 inhabitants. It is distant thirteen kilometers from the capital and integrates the Metropolitan Region of Natal.

UAB Presence Support Center Dr. Rui Pereirauabsga2014@gmail.com

Address: R. Belchior de Oliveira Rocha S / N, center / São Gonçalo do Amarante
Phone: (84) 98706-9082
Coordinator: Profª. Rosilda da Costa Felix – rosildasga@hotmail.com
Technical support: Helomar Júnior
Cel. Institutional: (84) 98706.9082

Os Cursos Técnicos em Tecnologia da Informação do Instituto Metrópole Digital são ofertados no formato de Educação a Distância (EaD), na modalidade semipresencial, por meio de encontros presenciais semanais. Eles possuem carga horária variável entre 1.000 e 1.200 horas e são organizados no eixo de Informação e Comunicação, com as ênfases em Informática para Internet; Redes de Computadores; e Programação de Jogos Digitais, e no eixo de Controle e Processos Industriais, com ênfase em Eletrônica e Automação Industrial.

Os Cursos estão disponíveis em Natal, Caicó e, em parceria com a UFERSA, nos polos de Angicos, Mossoró e Pau dos Ferros. A UFRN e o IMD definiram prioritariamente em seu plano de ação o Ensino a Distância como forma de ampliar a oferta de vagas, visando alcançar a população que não tem acesso à educação pública e gratuita de qualidade. Mais informações: http://www.imd.ufrn.br/portal/tecnico

A Rede e-Tec Brasil é uma iniciativa do Ministério da Educação (MEC) que oferta cursos de educação profissional e tecnológica a distância com encontros presenciais, atuando na formação de trabalhadores egressos do ensino médio e da educação de jovens e adultos, por meio de um sistema virtual complementado com as atividades presenciais desenvolvidas nos polos de apoio presencial com infraestrutura necessária para os alunos.

Atualmente, na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), a Rede está presente em 32 municípios, quais sejam: Acari, Angicos, Apodi, Areia Branca, Assu, Caicó, Caraúbas, Ceará-Mirim, Currais Novos, Goianinha, Ipanguaçu, Itajá, Jaçanã, João Câmara, Lajes, Macaíba, Macau, Martins, Monte Alegre, Mossoró, Natal, Nova Cruz, Parelhas, Parnamirim, Pau dos Ferros, Santa Cruz, São Gonçalo do Amarante, São João do Sabugi, São José de Mipibu, São Paulo do Potengi, Touros e Vera Cruz.

Mais de 4 mil jovens e adultos foram beneficiados com os nove cursos regulares do e-Tec (Agroindústria, Comércio Exterior, Cooperativismo, Agropecuária, Apicultura, Aquicultura e Manutenção e Suporte em Informática), dos três cursos do Profuncionário (Alimentação Escolar, Multimeios Didáticos e Secretaria Escolar) e dos dois cursos do Programa e-Tec Idiomas Sem Fronteiras (Inglês e Espanhol).

A partir do segundo semestre de 2017, a Rede foi ampliada com a oferta de cursos do MedioTec EaD, destinada a jovens de 15 a 19 alunos regularmente matriculados no Ensino Médio da rede públicas de educação e socialmente vulneráveis. A Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí (EAJ), em parceria com a Escola de Saúde da UFRN (ESUFRN) e com o Instituto Metrópole Digital (IMD), oferece 16 cursos técnicos: Administração, Agroindústria, Agronegócio, Contabilidade, Cooperativismo, Finanças, Logística, Manutenção e Suporte em Informática, Qualidade, Química e Redes de Computadores.

Saiba mais em: http://www.etec.eaj.ufrn.br


Bachelor degree

Bachelor of Public Administration – The Distance Public Administration Course, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to provide professionals with the appropriate training to intervene in social, political and economic reality, and contribute to the improvement of the management of activities carried out by the Brazilian State, at the federal, state and municipal levels.

Coordinator: Matilde Medeiros de Araújo
E-mail: matildemaraujo@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99981-5443
Vice-coordinator: Carlos David Cerqueira Feitor
E-mail: calos_feitor@hotmail.com
Phone: (84) 98847-0000
Secretary: Rafael Fernandes de Macedo
E-mail: Rafael_fmx@hotmail.com
Phone: (84) 3215-3372

Click here to see the academic calendar for 2019.1.


Biological Sciences – The degree course in Biological Sciences Distance, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, has as main objective to promote the formation of professors in Sciences and Biology from a suitable theoretical foundation, as basis for a competent action, which includes knowledge.

Coordinator: Naisandra Bezerra da Silva Farias
E-mail: naisandra@ufrnet.br
Phone: (84) 99474-6632
Vice-coordinator: Rute Alves de Sousa
E-mail: ruteasousa@yahoo.com.br
Phone: (84) 98805-4981
Tutoring Coordinator: Rute Alves de Sousa
E-mail: ruteasousa@yahoo.com.br
Secretary: Adriana Meneses
E-mail: cienciasbiologicas.eadufrn@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 3215-3408

Physical Education – The Degree Course in Distance Physical Education, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to train and qualify professionals for teaching Physical Education in basic education, in particular in the public school network of the State of Rio Great Northern. The implementation of the Physical Education course is part of the strategic plan of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Coordinator: Marcio Romeu Ribas de Oliveira
E-mail: marcioromeu72@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6662
Vice-coordinator: Priscilla Pinto Costa da Silva
E-mail: laprisci@gmail.com
Phone: (83) 98719-5118
Tutoring Coordinator: Priscilla Pinto Costa da Silva
E-mail: laprisci@gmail.com
Phone: (83) 98719-5118
Secretary: Tatiane Karine Ferreira da Silva
E-mail: taty.bio@hotmail.com
Phone: (84) 3215-3456

Physics – The Degree in Physics at Distance, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to contribute to the training of teachers for basic education, with emphasis on training for the latest grades of elementary education and for teaching medium. The professional coming from this undergraduate course should provide the student with a vision of the social role of the educator and of the training in Physics.

Geography – The Degree Course in Distance Geography, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to collaborate with the qualification of public school teachers who are acting without training in the area.

Coordinator: Orgival Bezerra
E-mail: orgivalbezerradanobrega@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6636
Vice-coordinator: Juliana Felipe Farias
E-mail: julianafelipefarias@yahoo.com.br
Phone: (84) 99474-6636 / (84) 99607-4788
Tutoring Coordinator: Juliana Felipe Farias
E-mail: julianafelipefarias@yahoo.com.br
Phone: (84) 99474-6636 / (84) 99607-4788
Secretary: Regivaldo Sena da Rocha
E-mail: regivaldo@localhost
Phone: (84) 3342-2222 (201)

History – The Degree Course in Distance History, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to enable students to exercise the work of historian and also to act in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels of education, in addition to supplying specific demands of their field of knowledge.

Coordinator: José Evangelista Fagundes
E-mail: fagundespe@uol.com.br
Phone: (84) 99985-7046
Vice-coordinator: Lígio José de Oliveira Maia
E-mail: ligiomaia@yahoo.com.br
Phone: (84) 99600-8834
Tutoring Coordinator: Lígio José de Oliveira Maia
E-mail: ligiomaia@yahoo.com.br
Phone: (84) 99600-8834
Secretary: Andrezza Silva de Lima
E-mail: andrezza@localhost
Phone: (84) 3342-2250 (201)

Letters – The Degree in Distance Learning, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to train professionals capable of acquiring and developing the skills and abilities necessary to operate with and on their object of study: linguistic studies and studies literary works.

Coordinator: Ana Virgínia Lima da Silva Rocha
E-mail: anavirginialsr@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99662-7337
Vice-coordinator: Sulemi Fabiano Campos
E-mail: sulemifabiano@yahoo.com.br
Phone: (84) 99474-6630 / 8102-9149
Tutoring Coordinator: Sulemi Fabiano Campos
E-mail: letraseadufrn@hotmail.com
Phone: (84) 3342-2220 (5)
Secretary: Ana Paula Azevedo da Cunha Silva
E-mail: letraseadufrn@hotmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6656

Mathematics – The Degree Course in Distance Mathematics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to train teachers to work in basic education, with emphasis on training for the latest grades of elementary and high school.

Coordinator: Viviane Klein
E-mail: klein.vi@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6633
Vice-coordinator: Marcia Maria de Castro Cruz
E-mail: marcia@ccet.ufrn.br
Phone: (84) 99970-5284
Tutoring Coordinator: Marcia Maria de Castro Cruz
E-mail: marcia@ccet.ufrn.br
Phone: (84) 99970-5284
Secretary: Alexandre Borja
E-mail: alexandre.borja@localhost
Phone: (84) 3215-3820

Pedagogy – The Licenciatura Course in Pedagogy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, has as general objective to enable teachers, through the superior course, to exercise teaching in early childhood education and in the initial years of elementary education and for activities of coordination and pedagogical advice in schools, institutions of the educational system and educational projects in non-school spaces.

Coordinator: Flávio Boleiz
E-mail: boleiz.ead@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6626
Vice-coordinator: Maria Cristina Leandro de Paiva
E-mail: crislean6@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6324
Tutoring Coordinator: Maria Cristina Leandro de Paiva
E-mail: crislean6@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6324
Secretary: Marcel Bueno
E-mail: pedagogiaeadufrn@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 3342-2323 (162) or 3215-3675

Chemistry – The Degree in Distance Chemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, aims to train teachers for basic education, with emphasis on training for the latest grades of elementary and high school. The students have adequate preparation for the pedagogical application of knowledge and Chemistry experiences in the related areas in their professional activity as an educator in the levels of elementary and secondary education.

Coordinator: Carlos Neco da Silva
E-mail: necojunior@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6627
Vice-coordinator: Melquisedeque da Silva Freire
E-mail: melque.ufrn@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6628 / 99415-1499
Tutoring Coordinator: Melquisedeque da Silva Freire
E-mail: melque.ufrn@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 99474-6628 / 99415-1499
Secretary: Soraya Cristina de Oliveira Guedes
E-mail: eadquimicaufrn@gmail.com / sorayaeadquimica@gmail.com
Phone: (84) 3342-2323 (162)



Frequently Asked Questions

The pedagogical project of our degrees requires that the student attend the Support Pole at least once a week, making it impossible to attend to those who are very distant from it.

UFRN is a public institution and as such does not charge anything for its courses. They are entirely free.

Yes, the diploma is issued by UFRN and for that it has been accredited since 2005. It is exactly the same as the face-to-face courses.

The duration of undergraduate distance courses is the same duration as its face-to-face equivalent and varies according to the course. Our degrees, for example, last 4 (four) years (8 semesters). The administration course lasts 9 semesters.

The main characteristic of undergraduate distance learning courses is that they do not have an hour of operation, the student can study at the time that is most convenient. Some courses require the student to attend the In-Home Support Pole at least once a week to pick up their material and account for their activities to the tutor, but this time is freely available to the student.

The entrance to the distance courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte will occur through the notes of the National High School Examination. That is, to apply for one of the vacancies in EAD courses, the candidate must have taken the ENEM. All the information about the entrance examination of distance learning courses will be published on the SEDIS and Comperve website. Stay tuned.

Under Brazilian law, undergraduate courses can be done only by those who have completed high school.