Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 22 of 35

Team from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB) makes technical visit to SEDIS

Publicado em 4 de December de 2019 por

Categorias: distance education News partnership

The staff of the Institute of Distance Education (IEAD) of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB) came from the city of Redenção, in Ceará, to know closely the work developed by SEDIS in favor of distance education in Rio Grande do Norte. . They were received by UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, and SEDIS Editorial Coordinator, José Correia.

The technical visit took place during the morning and afternoon of this Wednesday (04). The delegation was composed by the Director of IEAD / UNILAB, Antonio Manoel Ribeiro, Ana Paula Gomes (Pedagogical Center EaD), Danyelle de Lima Teixeira (Poles Sector) and Márcia Roberta Falcão (Strategic Operational Sector). Visitors could ask questions about the operation of audiovisual equipment and computer programs used in the production of teaching materials.

During the visit, they navigated the Virtual Learning Environment, the Academic Mandacaru, used by students of UFRN distance learning courses, and they heard from SEDIS teams how it is routine to produce content that is published in various formats. . For Carmen Rêgo, it is always good to share UFRN’s expertise in this area and to strengthen the free, high quality public higher education support network.

According to the Director of IEAD / UNILAB, Antônio Manoel Ribeiro, this face-to-face contact may result in future partnerships. He made a point of congratulating all the teams that are part of SEDIS for the work done so far and reinforcing the need to keep the channel open for the exchange of experiences and execution of projects.


The University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony is an autarchy linked to the Ministry of Education, based in the city of Redenção, in the state of Ceará. UNILAB’s specific institutional mission is to train human resources to contribute to the integration between Brazil and the other member countries of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP), especially African countries, as well as to promote regional development and exchange. cultural, scientific and educational.

In addition to Redemption, the University has physical spaces (academic unit and campus) in the city of Acarape, Ceará and in the municipality of São Francisco do Conde, Bahia.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

Distance Education Secretary represents UFRN at ESUD 2019

Publicado em 27 de November de 2019 por

Categorias: distance education News partnership

With the theme “Responsibilities and Challenges for the consolidation of distance education”, began on Monday (26), in the city of Teresina, capital of Piauí, the program of the XVI Brazilian Congress of Higher Distance Education (ESUD) and V International Congress of Higher Distance Education (CIESUD). In simultaneous events, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is represented by the Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo.

In the first stage of the program, the Coordinator Forum of the Open University of Brazil (UAB) gathered at the Canary Auditorium of Uninovafapi, representatives from all Brazilian regions to discuss the challenges faced for the maintenance and implementation of Distance Education in distant places of large urban centers. In addition to being a distance learning manager at UFRN, Carmem Rêgo will be part of the new administration of the Networked University Association (UniRede) in the 2020-2021 biennium, as representative of the Federal Institutions.

At the official opening, held on Tuesday night (26), the president of UniRede, Alexandre Martins, presented an overview of distance education in Brazil and the need to maintain investments to expand vacancies to higher education at a distance. Then, Professor of Digital Media and Education at the University of Barcelona, ​​Antonio Bartolomé, gave the lecture “Blockchain: New Challenges for EAD”.

UniRede is responsible for promoting ESUD and CIESUD, which this year has the partnership of the Federal University of Piauí, and support from the State University of Piauí, the Federal Institute of Piaui, the Uninovafapi University Center, the State Government from Piauí and Fadex. On the website <>, you will find more details of the schedule that will be held until next Friday (29).

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

UFRN Distance Education Secretary and Pedagogical Coordinator give lectures at the University of Brasilia

Publicado em 11 de November de 2019 por

Categorias: distance education News partnership

The work performed in favor of distance education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was represented on November 7 and 8, 2019, in the federal capital, during an event held at the University of Brasilia (UnB). UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, and UFRN’s Pedagogical Distance Education Coordinator, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, gave lectures to the academic community.

The invitation to participate in this program was made by Professor Marcello Ferreira, Coordinator of the Open University of Brazil at UnB, one of the great partners of SEDIS in events related to Distance Education themes. This exchange of experiences strengthens the integration of social actors working in this type of education in various parts of the country.

In her talk, Carmem Rêgo spoke about “Management in DE”, highlighting the funding and distribution of resources for the operation of undergraduate courses, in addition to the importance of partnership with municipal and state public managers. Professor Lilian Zaros presented UFRN’s Integrated Academic Activities Management System (SIGAA) and how it is used to assist in the follow-up of DE students and pedagogical activities.

Distance learning courses offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to the population of Potiguares municipalities and neighboring states, such as Ceará and Paraíba, in partnership with the Open University of Brazil (UAB) System, have played an important role. in places where there was no prospect of access to free and quality Higher Education.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

With support from SEDIS, PROGESP launches Initial Course for UFRN Managers in distance education

Publicado em 4 de November de 2019 por

Categorias: distance education event News partnership

The continuing education of managers who work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte gained a technological reinforcement on Monday (04). In the UFRN Superior Collegiate Room, the “Initial Course for Managers” was launched, designed to collaborate with the qualification of those who occupy management-related functions within the University.

The course is available in the virtual learning environment of the Dean of People Management. There are 4 modules distributed in a total of 90 hours of workload, containing themes suggested by the managers themselves, related to the daily life of the administration of the higher education institution, such as interpersonal relations and participation in bidding processes. A team from UFRN’s Department of Distance Education participated in the development of the platform and content of the Course.

UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, clarified that access to the modules is very flexible, meaning that the user can manage their entire learning path for as long as they have available in their agenda. According to SEDIS network administrator Artur Nobre, the course is offered in a self-instructional manner, giving full autonomy to the pursuit of knowledge.

During the launch, the Dean of UFRN, Daniel Diniz, and the Dean of People’s Management of the University, Miriam Dantas, highlighted the partnership of SEDIS in the realization of this project. UFRN managers who are interested in participating in the Course should access <>, log in and navigate through only three pages (Authentication, My Courses and Classroom) to get to the training content.

Source: SEDIS Media Sector.