Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 20 of 35

SEDIS publishes Public Call for the Simplified Selection of UFRN Administration, Accounting and Production Engineering students

Publicado em 5 de March de 2020 por

Categorias: distance education edicts News Selection

Public Call 02/2020, which provides for the Simplified Selection of students to act as technical support fellows in the area of ​​project management, is already published in the “Concursos” tab of the SEDIS website. Registration will open this Friday (06) and will continue until March 11, 2020. Students in the Administration, Accounting Sciences and Production Engineering courses at UFRN will be registered in reserve and should act as technical support fellows. .

Access here and learn more!

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

EaD Mathematics student, a laureate at the Macau Pole, is the first member of the family to earn a higher education diploma

Publicado em 19 de February de 2020 por

Categorias: distance education News special

The Jandaíra Bee is a species found with great frequency in the Caatinga Potiguar. It contributes to the pollination of various fruits and seeds, such as cashew. It gave rise to the name of the municipality about 120 kilometers from the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. And it is from the city of Jandaíra, in the Region of Mato Grande, that the character of this story will be told.

Moisés Felipe de Lima is 29 years old and on February 13, 2020 he completed the Higher Education Degree in Mathematics in the Distance Learning modality. He attended educational activities and took tests at the Macau Support Center. “My access to the polo was always a tiring trip, it was a one-hour drive to get there,” he recalls with emotion.

Academic Award

Moisés recalls that he often received help from the polo team, even when he had no money to make a meal. According to him, this was the great differential that kept him active in the Course. And persistence yielded a great result: at the Graduation Ceremony he was surprised by the Academic Award, an honor given to undergraduate students with outstanding performance during their training at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

“I never imagined that, one day, I could be a laureate, it was something magical, it will stay in my memory forever. But this honor is due, in part, to the excellent body of teachers of Distance Education at UFRN. I dedicate my success to them, ”said Moses in a thankful tone.

Family pride

Son of a seamstress mother, Moisés Lima is the first of three brothers to earn a Higher Education diploma. And recently, another personal and professional victory was registered: the approval of the result of a public contest promoted by the Parazinho City Hall, also in the Mato Grande Region. He was in the first place among the candidates for mathematics teacher.

According to the future teacher, this will be the first job in the area that he chose to act. He recognizes the fundamental role of Distance Education in this trajectory: “Distance education gave me everything I have today, I am grateful to UFRN for allowing me to have a graduation and now a job”. When he thinks about the professional future, Moisés shows himself determined: “I want to contribute to education in this region of the State and seek, more and more, training, because I understand that the teacher is an eternal student”.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

SEDIS network administrator gives guidance on the use of Academic Mandacaru

Publicado em 11 de February de 2020 por

Categorias: distance education News technology-mediated education

The 2020.1 academic semester, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), will start next Monday, February 17, 2020. For students of Distance Education, it is time to return to exercise contact with a inseparable companion: the Academic Mandacaru.

Mandacaru Acadêmico is an adapted version of Moodle, a free software to support distance learning that can be downloaded for free on the internet. To clarify more about the functioning of this virtual learning environment, we spoke with Artur Nobre, network administrator at the Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS) at UFRN.

Specific features of the Academic Mandacaru

Artur Nobre explained that, “basically, the Mandacaru Acadêmico has as its main characteristic its customization. We changed the visual identity of Moodle to meet the reality of students, tutors and teachers, without adding random images, which are meaningless to the daily life of the academic community ”.

He also highlighted that one of the main differentials of the Academic Mandacaru is the incorporation of data from the Integrated System for the Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA) at UFRN. At the beginning of the academic semester, for example, there is a compilation of information regarding students, subjects and grades, which was previously done manually, and which is now automated, thus making the total integration between SIGAA and the learning platform. learning.

Support for EaD students

According to Artur Nobre, SEDIS has a Support Team to meet the demands raised by students, tutors, teachers and course coordinators, whether they are doubts when using the Mandacaru Academic or even suggestions for improvements or implementation of new tools for the environment. virtual. For any clarification, the user should contact sedis.suporte@localhost.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.


Google data shows good indicators of access to the SEDIS website

Publicado em 4 de February de 2020 por

Categorias: data News technology-mediated education UFRN

Forget the expression for a moment: the year only begins after Carnival! According to data from Google Search Console, a free service that helps to monitor websites in Google Search results, the SEDIS page obtained, in January 2020 alone, more than 3 thousand clicks and more than 25 thousand impressions.

Clicks result, for example, from emails sent by our Media Sector with links that indicate news and other subjects published on our page. They also represent the access of shared links directly on our social media profiles.

Impressions are recorded when the item is visible in the short list view on the Google search page and also when that view is expanded, even if the user does not scroll to see the item.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.