Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 8 of 35

ESUD 2021 schedule will feature researchers from around the world

Publicado em 7 de October de 2021 por

Categorias: distance education event News partnership remote teaching special technology-mediated education UniRede

Natal lives the expectation of being, once again, the international capital of Higher Distance Learning. The city will host, simultaneously, the XVIII Brazilian Congress on Distance Higher Education (ESUD) and the VII International Congress on Higher Distance Education (CIESUD) promoted by the Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede) in partnership with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), through the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) and with the support of the Department of Distance Education (SEDIS/UFRN).

The simultaneous events will take place from October 19 to 22, 2021, but the meetings of the Forum of Coordinators of the Open University of Brazil Program, LAIS/UFRN researchers and UniRede members, have already started in the pre-event, scheduled for the October 18, 2021. As we are still in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, the congress organization decided to keep ESUD 2021 and CIESUD 2021 in 100% online versions, opening the possibility for only speakers, who choose to be in person, come to Natal.

This year, the theme that will guide the discussions is “Education, Technology and Social Resilience: what we learned from the pandemic”. For this reason, researchers from around the world were invited to discuss how the challenges faced since March 2020, when the World Health Organization decreed the pandemic, served as a learning curve for resilience in technology-mediated teaching and learning processes.

The schedule is now available on the event’s website. Guest speakers include Heini Utunen, a researcher who is part of the World Health Organization’s Emergencies Program for Learning and Capacity Development; Andreia Inamorato, researcher and consultant in the areas of open educational resources (OER) and educational technology, working at the European Commission; and Esther Giménez-Salinas i Colomer, honorary president of MetaRed (a collaborative project that forms a network of networks of heads of Information and Communication Technologies at IES Iberoamericanas).

Entries are in the 3rd and last batch and can be made until October 20, 2021. The entry fee varies from R$50.00 (fifty reais) to R$240.00 (two hundred and forty reais), depending on of the entry category. More details about the registration and the schedule can be found on the website <>.


Book on the trajectory of teacher education will be released next Wednesday (15)

Publicado em 10 de September de 2021 por

Categorias: event News special UFRN

What paths do teachers follow to achieve their academic and professional training? This is just one of the reflections that are addressed in the book “Building Being a Teacher: (geo)graphs of the trajectory of life”, authored by the professor of the Department of Geography at UFRN, Ione Morais, who is also Assistant Secretary for Distance Education of the University.

The work, according to the author, “is the result of research developed for the purpose of preparing the Memorial submitted to the process related to promotion to Class E, as Full Professor at UFRN”. The memoir was produced over a six-month period, between November 2019 and April 2020, that is, its conclusion took place in the middle of the first month of the declaration of the covid-19 pandemic.

Also according to Ione Morais, the book’s content addresses the “Teacher’s Life Story”, based on a narrative of the itineraries traveled in search of this construction, in this path, there is a connection with people, with events and with geographic spaces. The expectation is that all people who have teaching as a profession or even those who are still in academic training will be able to recognize themselves in this writing.


The book “Building Being a Teacher: (geo)graphs of life’s trajectory” will be released next Wednesday (15th), from 7 pm, through a live broadcast on the SertãoCult Editora Channel, on YouTube. The program includes a lecture on the theme “Academic Memorial: (geo)graphs of the trajectory of life” and also the participation of professor from the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB), Jussara Portugal.

The guest, Jussara Portugal, signs the preface of the work and highlights “in many moments, while reading attentively to its writing, I found myself in the narrative of its history. His memories evoked with many and small details, often crossed with those I keep in my trunk”. Those interested in participating in the virtual event must register at this link, with the right to a certificate of extension activity.

Bruno Cássio – Media Sector SEDIS/UFRN

UFRN participates in UniRede’s “Virtual Student Academic Mobility Program”

Publicado em 6 de September de 2021 por

Categorias: distance education edicts News Selection technology-mediated education UFRN UniRede

Applications will be open until next Friday (10) for those interested in participating in the “Virtual Student Academic Mobility” Program promoted by the Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede) and associated institutions, including the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This program will allow enrollment by temporary bond in virtual academic mobility, authorizing students to take curricular components at other higher education institutions.

Students who choose to participate will be issued a supporting document upon completion of their studies, for the purposes of registering or taking advantage of studies at their home institution and/or carrying out complementary/cultural scientific activities, provided that these are provided for in projects within the scope of each course/institution of origin.

In the case of UFRN, vacancies will be offered for the subject “Education and Sustainability”, inserted in the curriculum of the Distance Biological Sciences Course, with a workload of 60 hours. Among the topics discussed in this curricular component are education for sustainability and its link to goals of peace and security, human rights, social justice and care for natural resources. The notice is available on the UniRede page.

Students regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at IPES associated with UniRede who have completed at least 20% (twenty percent) of the course load of the course of origin may participate in this notice. In addition to UFRN, the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sul-rio-grandense ( IFSUL) participate in the program.

According to the president of UniRede, Alexandre Martins, this project will “enable experiences, expand the academic and professional curriculum, experiences in the cultural perspective and also carry out contacts or future initiatives that can enable engagement in teaching and research projects. and extension collaboratively and in a network”.

To access the Mobility Manual, click on this link. For information on the components offered by partner institutions, access here.

Bruno Cássio – Media Sector at UFRN

Integral Education in RN is the theme of two simultaneous online events starting this Tuesday (24)

Publicado em 23 de August de 2021 por

Categorias: distance education event News partnership technology-mediated education UFRN

This Tuesday (24), two simultaneous events will start: the Cycle of Debate Debates and the III Jornada Potiguar de Educação Integral. Discussions will take place until next Thursday (26). According to Rute Alves de Sousa, professor of the EaD/UFRN Biological Sciences Course and member of the Territorial Committee for Integral Education of RN, organizing entity, the objective is to discuss and clarify some issues about Integral Education, curriculum and territories, having as target audience the academics and professors of the on-site and distance degree courses.

In the program, three moments are planned: in the first, Professor Branca Jurema Ponce, from PUC/SP, will speak about “Curricular justice in times of implementation of the BNCC and contempt for the PNE”. In the second act, “Integral education in dialogue with Paulo Freire” will be debated, through a conversation with professors and researchers Rachel Dantas and Fabíola Maria Dantas, from UERN/10th DIREC, and Maria Aparecida Vieira de Melo, from UFRN/CERES-Caico.

To end this rich debate, a round of conversation will be held about “Integral Education and educational territories: formal and non-formal teaching spaces”, with the participation of teacher Andréa Cristina de Azevedo (Currais Novos/RN), from the educator Fabrício Cardoso, social educator and musician from Rio Grande do Sul, Carlos Zens, and researcher Betânia Leite Ramalho (UFRN).

The event will be 100% online and to participate, those interested must click on this link and register.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS/UFRN Media Sector