Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 27 of 35

Director of Distance Education of CAPES knows about positive experiences of SEDIS / UFRN

Publicado em 27 de June de 2019 por

Categorias: distance education News partnership

On Thursday (27), the Director of Distance Education of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education People (CAPES), Carlos Lenuzza, made a technical visit to the Secretariat of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN ). According to Lenuzza, he came to Natal / RN to learn more about the “beautiful experience developed by SEDIS / UFRN in the field of EaD”.

According to the director of DED / CAPES, UFRN is an example of institutionalization of the Open University of Brazil (UAB) Program, because the actions are fully integrated into the activities of the university. Carlos Lenuzza said that the challenge now is to connect these initiatives to Basic Education even more, as a way of collaborating with the training of professionals who work at this level of education.

During the visit, the UFRN Secretary for Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, presented the sectors of SEDIS and the work carried out by her team in the elaboration of innovative teaching materials, with the production of videos, animations and e-books. Carmem Rêgo emphasized the importance of strengthening partnerships with CAPES to carry out better work.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

Secretary of Distance Education at UFRN is one of the panelists at the opening of the XII ENPEC

Publicado em 25 de June de 2019 por

Categorias: distance education event News

The auditorium of the School of Government, in Natal, was small for hundreds of participants at the XII National Meeting of Research in Science Education (ENPEC) who attended the Opening Panel held this morning (25). ENPEC is promoted biennially by the Brazilian Association of Research in Science Education (ABRAPEC). For the first time, a city in the Northeast was chosen to host the event.

The theme of the discussions was “Paulo Freire and Education in Sciences” and counted on the mediation of Professor Fernanda Ostermann, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and as debaters, the professors: Antônio Gouvêa, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar); Demetrio Delizoicov, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC); and Carmem Rêgo, Secretary of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

During their speeches, the panelists paid tribute to the educator Marta Pernambuco, who died in May 2018, and to the 50th anniversary of Paulo Freire’s book “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”. It was up to Carmem Rêgo to recall the trajectory of Marta Pernambuco in educational projects in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte and in the Municipal Secretariat of Education of São Paulo. The teacher Carmem Rêgo had the teacher as teacher, besides considering her a great friend.

Quite excited, Carmem Rêgo took the opportunity to invite those present to launch the book: “Collective Practices – Thought and pedagogical praxis in Marta Pernambuco”. The work, produced by the SEDIS Publishing Team, was organized by Carmem and Professor Irene Alves Paiva. The autographs night will also be held on Tuesday, from 18:30, in the Hall of Technology Center of UFRN.

 Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

Secretary of Distance Education of UFRN is honored in a Solemn Session at the Legislative Assembly of the RN

Publicado em 6 de June de 2019 por

Categorias: Novidade

A morning marked by the excitement and recognition of work done over the past four years. Thus was the solemn session held on Thursday (06), proposed by State Representative Sandro Pimentel (PSOL), to pay tribute to the management of the former Rector of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Ângela Maria Paiva Cruz.

In the plenary of the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Norte, the seats of the parliamentarians were occupied by professionals who collaborated with the actions developed by Ângela Paiva at the head of the central administration of the University. Among the honorees was the UFRN Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, who recently reassumed the position at the invitation of the institution’s new Rector, Daniel Diniz.

For the manager of SEDIS, this tribute represents the confirmation that the work developed under her coordination has generated positive effects to the point of raising the attention of the so-called People’s House. “It is with immense pride that we have contributed to the management of Professor Angela in recent years and it is with certainty that much more we can do for Distance Education that we are motivated to continue our walk,” said Carmem Rêgo.

In the galleries, were relatives and representatives of the SEDIS Team who accompanied Angela Paiva’s excited speech. The former Rector was grateful for the commitment of all the honorees to consolidate the position of prominence in the national and international scenario occupied by UFRN. According to Ângela Paiva, UFRN has grown in a sustainable and inclusive way.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

Administrators of the UFRN Secretariat for Distance Education to retake the positions

Publicado em 3 de June de 2019 por

Categorias: event News partnership

The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is under new management, the current Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, and Assistant Secretary for Distance Education, Ione Morais, were invited by the new Rector of UFRN, José Daniel Diniz Melo, to resume and continue to collaborate with the university’s central administration. The ownership of the managers of SEDIS / UFRN was held on Friday afternoon (31) in the auditorium of the Rectory.

During the ceremony, all the members of the team that will be led by Daniel Diniz for the next four years in office, including the Vice-Rector, Henio Ferreira de Miranda, were sworn in. At the ceremony, the new Rector surprised everyone by joining the UFRN Cellos group, of the School of Music, which presented itself to the audience. Daniel Diniz was one of the soloists in the interpretation of the song “Lamento Sertanejo”, composed by Dominguinhos.

Another highlight of the inauguration ceremony was the homage paid to the former UFRN president, Ângela Paiva. On being announced, she was greeted by those present. Ângela Paiva retires from office after two consecutive terms as Rector of the university and counts in this period several important achievements for teaching, research and extension in Rio Grande do Norte.

According to Professor Carmem Rêgo, the legacy left by Ângela Paiva will serve as motivation to reassume the management of Distance Education in UFRN, within the current context, with contingency perspectives in the area of ​​education. For Carmem Rêgo, this will be a major challenge, but the SEDIS team is prepared for this mission and, with the support of all, will overcome any obstacle.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector