Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 16 of 35

In partnership with SEDIS, PROGESP launches course on Multiprova for teachers at UFRN

Publicado em 10 de August de 2020 por

Categorias: News partnership remote teaching technology-mediated education UFRN

Teachers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte gained yet another option for distance learning in this period of Emergency Remote Education. Registration for a new course offered by the Pro-Rectory for People Management (PROGESP) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) is open, starting this Monday (10). do Multiprova: UFRN’s new evidence platform ”.

With a 30-hour workload, the course will address the operation of this new platform that was designed to serve teachers from all areas of knowledge in terms of assessment. According to the content organizers, in the course, participants will learn about the application of remote tests, in controlled time windows, with questions of different types, accessible to students by computers or smartphones and with resources to generate different tests for each student in a simple way.

The PROGESP initiative is in partnership with the Distance Education Secretariat, the Undergraduate Dean’s Office, the Superintendence of Informatics and the Basic, Technical and Technological Education Secretariat (SEBTT), both from UFRN. The current version of Multiprova was launched on June 17, 2020 to support remote education during the covid-19 epidemic. The use of the tool in the 2020.5 semester made it possible to apply more than 5,000 assessments and, with experience, this educational technology was institutionalized by UFRN.

Registrations can be made through <> and the content will be accessed through AVAProgesp <>.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

SEDIS and PROAE announce new call for Instrumental Aid for EaD students at UFRN

Publicado em 7 de August de 2020 por

Categorias: distance education edicts News Selection technology-mediated education UFRN

Look at this tip for you, academic of undergraduate courses at UFRN. SEDIS and PROAE of UFRN launched the Public Notice Nº 10/2020 which concerns the Selection Process for Instrumental Aid for distance education students enrolled in the 2020.1 (2020.6) academic period.

Instrumental Assistance will be granted in a single installment of R $ 600.00 (six hundred reais) and aims to help students enrolled in the 2020.1 (2020.6) term, defined by Resolution no. 031/2020 – CONSEPE, from July 16, 2020, can buy information technology (IT) equipment to accompany classes in remote format.

The benefit will be funded with resources from the Open University of Brazil Program (UAB) and, for this reason, it is intended only for active students of distance education undergraduate courses, defined as “priority” in UFRN’s unique registry for service student assistance, with per capita family income of up to one and a half minimum wages.

Those interested in participating must join the unique registration at SIGAA and enroll in the Academic Mandacaru from August 7 to 11, 2020. More details can be found on the SEDIS website, by clicking here.

Bruno Cássio – UFRN Media Sector.

Teaching Notebooks Mediated by Information and Communication Technology produced by SEDIS gain national visibility

Publicado em 6 de August de 2020 por

Categorias: News special technology-mediated education UFRN

The Distance Education Secretariat of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte has supported and developed several initiatives, during the covid-19 pandemic, with the purpose of minimizing the impacts of social distance in the academic routine of students and professors of undergraduate courses in person and distance modes. Among the actions that have the SEDIS partnership, are the courses offered on the AVAProex and AVAProgesp platforms.

These courses aim to assist students and teachers in implementing the use of Information and Communication Technologies, called ICTs, in the teaching and learning process. In addition to these training itineraries, SEDIS, with the collaboration of several UFRN educators, developed a series of publications entitled “Notebooks of Teaching Mediated by ICT”. Altogether, 7 volumes have already been produced.

The topics covered in these copies are: 1) Design proposal for the organization of classes; 2) Basic guidelines for the preparation of the lesson plan; 3) Pedagogical sequence applied to online distance education; 4) Concepts and fundamentals of evaluation; 5) Students with specific educational needs at UFRN; 6) Learning strategies with active methodologies and 7) Learning in the Virtual Classroom (VAS) of SIGAA.

According to UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, these materials have gained national recognition and have been used by other institutions of higher education in the country, for having content that is easy to understand, joining texts and illustrations. Last month, this experience was presented, and well received, during the 1st International Seminar on Digital Culture and Education (I SICDE), promoted by the Distance Education Center (Nead) of the State University of Maringá, in Paraná.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

Self-instructional course taught UFRN students about G Suite tools

Publicado em 9 de July de 2020 por

Categorias: News partnership technology-mediated education UFRN

Have you heard of cloud computing or cloud computing? It is a technology connected to the Internet to use various resources, programs or information without the need for installation on a computer, tablet or smartphone. For example, you can access applications and platforms from any device, requiring only the connection to the web.

Digital tools, used in “cloud” solutions, were made available to UFRN academics to assist in the distance learning period. They are part of the G Suite for Education and, from now on, students at the technical, undergraduate and graduate levels can learn more about how each of them works. It was opened, this Thursday (08), as registration for the course “Tools of the G Suite for students of UFRN”.

The initiative is a partnership between the Dean of Extension (PROEX), the Instituto Metrópole Digital (IMD) and the Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS), both from UFRN. According to Dennys Leite Maia, professor in the area of ​​Educational Technology at IMD and Course Coordinator, the intention is to instruct students on the set of Google study applications, such as stimulating and developing collaborative academic activities.

Also according to Dennys Maia, those enrolled in the course will learn automatically, or will be, autonomously, about tools such as Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Classroom and Google Meet, the latter, one of the most used for videoconferences today . As registrations can be made by SIGAA, until July 31, 2020, and the modules can be made available in the Virtual Learning Environment of PROEX, the AVAProex.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.