Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 17 of 35

USP digital education specialist will give opening web lecture of course for academics at UFRN

Publicado em 3 de July de 2020 por

Categorias: News partnership remote teaching technology-mediated education UFRN

We live in a moment of social distance and what many people ask is: how educational technologies can be used to help students students from classroom courses? Faced with a context of uncertainties, as to the duration of the covid-19 pandemic, what are the paths to be followed? To answer these and other questions, next Monday (06), it will be the web lecture was held: Digital Education and Multi-skills.

The event is part of the opening program of the Course: “SIGAA for students: how to learn in the Virtual Class ”, an initiative promoted by the Pro-Rectory of Extension (PROEX), Distance Education Secretariat (SEDIS) and Department of Education at the Seridó Higher Education Center (CERES), both from the University
Federal of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

The Rector of UFRN, José Daniel Diniz Melo, will make the initial greeting to participating academics and work will be conducted by the Coordinator of the Technological Innovation in Health Laboratory (LAIS / UFRN), Ricardo Valentim. Who share knowledge with internet users will be the Professor and Head of the Telemedicine Discipline at USP Medical School, Chao Lung Wen.

We talked to Chao Lung Wen to find out about his expectations and topics you want to address. “One of the important focuses of my work is the area of Education, higher education and basic education, where I implement Educational Technologies Interactive to enhance education ”, highlights the Professor. Within this context, he
said that he will discuss digital education to promote training in multi-skills.

According to the speaker, it is necessary to discuss the professionalization of education, supported by technology, regardless of whether we are facing a pandemic. Is for connect, we will have to talk more, according to him, about metacognitive training, the development of behavioral aspects and the use of technological resources in the process
teaching and learning (Active Digital Methodology).

The event will be broadcast on the SEDIS YouTube Channel and participation, in that initial activity, is open to all interested parties.

Source: Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

Video lessons production with simple tools is the subject of PROGESP / UFRN course

Publicado em 2 de July de 2020 por

Categorias: event News partnership remote teaching technology-mediated education UFRN

The Pro-Rectory of People Management (PROGESP) of UFRN, in partnership with SEDIS, will launch this Friday (03), another course for teachers of the Institution: “How to produce video classes using simple tools”. Despite having the target audience of teachers, technical-administrative employees are also invited to participate.

The SEDIS Network Administrator, Artur Nobre, will deliver the content. According to him, the course will be self-instructional, with interactive resources and was prepared so that the participants can learn the principles of the production of video classes in an easy way. Altogether, there will be three classes that add up to 30 hours of workload.

Among the skills expected to be achieved at the end of the course are the production of tutorials and video lessons, the recording of a computer screen, while demonstrating the functioning of some digital tool, and the hosting of video on online platforms or on Virtual Learning Environments.
Registration will remain open until July 10, 2020, through SIGRH <>.

Source: Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

Course will address learning in SIGAA Virtual Classes

Publicado em 30 de June de 2020 por

Categorias: News partnership remote teaching technology-mediated education UFRN

The Academic Activities Management System (SIGAA), developed by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), was implemented some years ago in several Universities and Federal Institutes in Brazil. Thinking of collaborating with students from UFRN and other higher education institutions, registrations for the extension course will be open, starting this Tuesday (30th): “SIGAA for students: how to learn in the Virtual Class”.

According to the institution’s Distance Education Secretary, Carmem Rêgo, Deputy Coordinator of this initiative, the idea for the course came after a request from the University’s Dean, José Daniel Diniz Melo, who recommended developing an action to bring students closer to this new scenario imposed by the covid-19 pandemic and, thus, assisting them in interacting with the tools of emergency remote education.

Partnership and expectations

The course is the result of a partnership between the Pro-Rectory of Extension (PROEX) of UFRN, the Department of Education of the Higher Education Center of Seridó (CERES) and SEDIS / UFRN. Part of the SEDIS team will support the development of the course. PROEX, in addition to providing a space at SIGAA for registration, will manage activities through its virtual learning environment, AVAProex.

According to Professor Tânia Cristina Meira Garcia (CERES / UFRN), Coordinator of the course, whoever enrolls will develop skills and abilities to carry out training trails in a “Virtual Class”, being able to establish a didactic contract with teachers on the relations of teaching and learning, in virtual environments, and this experience can be applied after this exceptional period.

Open for subscriptions

Registration for the extension course “SIGAA for students: how to learn in the Virtual Class” can be done at <>, and an important detail: students from other public higher education institutions can participate that use this system in their daily lives. To facilitate access to the course, two tutorials are available, just click on SIGAA and AVAProex.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

UFRN Adjunct Secretary of Distance Education defends Academic Memorial by videoconference

Publicado em 19 de June de 2020 por

Categorias: distance education News special technology-mediated education UFRN

In times of virtual connections stimulated by social detachment, due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Assistant Secretary for Distance Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and Professor at the Department of Geography at UFRN, Ione Morais, defended this Thursday (18), via videoconference, his Academic Memorial, entitled: “Building the teacher: (geo) spellings of my life trajectory”.

What, at first sight, could represent the lack of human warmth and the gesture of looking, in person, for the members of the Memorial’s defense panel, ended up broadening horizons, breaking down geographical barriers and making it possible to bring together specialists from different states. Brazilians in a virtual event. The term most often cited throughout the speeches of the evaluators was “Geography of Affections” and not by chance.

Geography of affections

According to Ione Morais, “this expression represents a unique moment in my personal and professional trajectory; it is the culmination of a life project that becomes unfinished, because unfinished is the process of building and polishing my Being teacher ”. She clarifies that memorialist writing proved to be a unique opportunity to immerse herself in her personal and professional history, not simply to remember it, but to write it.

All members of the board participated directly in the consolidation of a teaching career that began 40 years ago. The professors Rita de Cássia da Conceição Gomes (UFRN), Beatriz Ribeiro Soares, from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), José Borzacchiello da Silva, from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and Jussara Fraga Portugal, from the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB).

Digital memorial

Also according to Professor Ione Morais, the Memorial is an autobiographical document drawn from a historical, reflective and substantiated narrative about the academic and institutional activities carried out by the professor. And, in this case, it is a requirement to achieve promotion to the “E” Class of Full Professor at UFRN. Defending this material with the help of Information and Communication Technology allowed students to follow the transmission in addition to teachers from the banking system.

There were about 70 people connected, in a special moment that deserved several digital photographic records made with great care. “In the path of university teaching, I sought to develop the praxis that is driven by teaching, leaving my students with marks for training and life and traces so that they can (re) find me”, defined Ione Morais when reflecting on this unforgettable experience .

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.