Bruno Cássio, Autor em Sedis - Page 13 of 35

Low vision student overcomes difficulties and concludes EaD History course at UFRN

Publicado em 5 de February de 2021 por

Categorias: News partnership special technology-mediated education UFRN

At the age of 58, Josimar Tavares de Medeiros, a resident of Florânia, in the Seridó Potiguar Region, about 220 kilometers from Natal, fulfilled an old dream: the conclusion of the History course at a distance. “If you have a dream, fight, don’t give up, we must always look ahead”, emphasizes the polo student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Currais Novos, who, for 20 years, has lived with complications of diabetes, the main one being low vision.

In order to assist students who have some type of disability, in 2013, the Accessibility Sector of the Distance Education Secretariat (SEDIS / UFRN) was created. “The accessibility of SEDIS was very important in the conclusion of this graduation, in addition to the health problem, I had great difficulties in using the internet, the team brought me hope, providing new possibilities”, commented Josimar, speaking about the support he received from throughout the distance education graduation.

Essential support

For Elizabeth Ferreira, educational designer and flow manager of the Accessibility Sector at SEDIS / UFRN, “Josimar’s success in graduation shows that, in addition to adapting didactic materials, we also do welcoming and motivating work with these students who they are often helpless within an academic environment ”. In total, 19 students are currently served by the Sector.

From the support received, the difficulties with low vision were not able to prevent the definition of new goals for Josimar’s future: “in view of the knowledge acquired, my interest in preserving the history of my municipality grew even more” , declared the historian. In the coming days, he will put into practice the “Nossa História em Cores” (Our History in Colors) Project, with heritage education workshops for children and young people, rescue of popular entertainment and regional cuisine.

EaD approaches

This Friday (5), will be held, starting at 18h, the Collective of Virtual Collective Degree of students of the courses of Public Administration, Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Geography, History, Letters, Mathematics and Chemistry of the poles of Caicó, Caraúbas, Currais Novos, Lajes, Luís Gomes, Macau, Marcelino Vieira, Nova Cruz, Parnamirim and São Gonçalo do Amarante. The ceremony will be broadcast on the SEDIS Channel on YouTube.

Josimar Medeiros is one of the graduates who were looking forward to the arrival of that moment. For UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, the graduation of new students in undergraduate distance education courses represents the social inclusion of people who would not be able to attend the academic space, due to the distance from university centers: “it is the UFRN making its presence felt in the lives of those who thought they had distant dreams to be realized ”, he adds.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.



Series Dialogues on Distance Education will resume in early February 2021

Publicado em 29 de January de 2021 por

Categorias: distance education event News Novidade technology-mediated education UFRN

We need to talk more about distance education in Rio Grande do Norte. With this in mind, the Secretariat of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN), through the Academic Advisory and Pedagogical Coordination of EaD / UFRN, will promote, in the next 3, 4 and 11 February 2021, another event in the “Di @ logos on Distance Education” series, the first in 2021. The program includes debates on topics that concern the daily lives of those who do Distance Education at our University.

According to the Pedagogical Coordinator of Distance Education / UFRN, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, the participation in the virtual event will be directed to the public composed of Secretaries and Coordinators of Pole, Secretaries and Course Coordinators and Assistants to Teaching. In the program, there are exhibitions on Academic Procedures, the Performance of the Coordination of the Pole and Assistance to Teaching and the Performance of the Course Coordination.

The UFRN’s Assistant Secretary for Distance Education, Ione Morais, and the Deputy Undergraduate Pro-Rector, Elda Melo, are among the coordinators of the activities that will begin at 8:30 am, on February 3, 2021, with transmission by Internet. Participants will receive the link to enter the virtual room minutes before the program starts. Click here for more details.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.



Collecting a collective degree for distance learning courses will be held on February 5, 2021

Publicado em 26 de January de 2021 por

Categorias: distance education event News technology-mediated education UFRN

In times of the covid-19 pandemic, virtual events have become a routine in the academic community of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For undergraduate students at UFRN distance learning, activities in this format were already part of everyday life. But now, the moment of the most awaited solemnity has arrived: the Colação de Grau, which will be held on February 5, 2021, from 6 pm, with transmission over the internet.

The virtual graduation will be collective and will connect students from Public Administration, Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Geography, History, Letters, Mathematics and Chemistry courses. The graduates are from the centers of Caicó, Caraúbas, Currais Novos, Lajes, Luís Gomes, Macau, Marcelino Vieira, Nova Cruz, Parnamirim and São Gonçalo do Amarante.

The Distance Education Graduation will have all the protocol rites and will be an opportunity for the trainees to share the dream of completing Higher Education with family and friends who are socially distant or live in distant cities. To participate in this event, access the SEDIS YouTube Channel <çãoColetivaEaD>. If you prefer, you can follow the Channel and activate the notification bell to be notified when the transmission starts.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

UFRN publishes two edicts with 1,400 vacancies for six distance courses in nine centers

Publicado em 18 de November de 2020 por

Categorias: distance education edicts News remote teaching UFRN

The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) published this week two ediscts that, together, add up to 1,400 vacancies for distance graduation courses at the University. The last selection process for courses, in this type of teaching, was carried out in 2017. Public Notice nº 01/2020 is exclusively for teachers from the Public School System, while Public Notice nº 02/2020 is intended for candidates who have high school completion certificate (or equivalent course).

Internet registration

In the two notices, the registration period will be the same: from 8 am on December 14, 2020 until 11:59 pm on January 11, 2021. Entries must be made through the internet, accessing the website of the Permanent Competitions Nucleus (Comperve). The registration fee will also be the same, will cost R $ 30.00 (thirty reais), and candidates who meet the prerequisites contained in the notices may request exemption from this payment.

The publications can be accessed on the website of the Permanent Competition Center. According to the Director of Comperve, Ridalvo Medeiros Alves de Oliveira, a Candidate Service System is available, known as the help desk, which can be accessed by those who have questions. Or if you prefer, the candidate can call the number: (84) 3342.2280, from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Distribution of vacancies and courses

Of the total vacancies, 700 will be destined for teachers of the Public School System and the other 700 for those who prove they have a certificate of completion of High School. In the latter case, the grades obtained by candidates in the editions of the National High School Exam (ENEM) held in the years 2017, 2018 or 2019 will be taken into account. “It is good to clarify that this process will not take place through the Unified Selection System, the SISU. The intention is to meet a dammed demand ”, declared UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo.

Happy with the new offer, Carmem Rêgo and the Assistant Secretary of Distance Education at UFRN, Ione Morais, pointed out that nine Onsite Support Poles will receive these vacancies distributed in six undergraduate courses: Portuguese Letters, Physical Education, Chemistry, Mathematics, Pedagogy and Geography . The poles benefited are Caicó, Currais Novos, Luís Gomes, Macaíba / Jundiaí, Macau, Marcelino Vieira, Martins, Nova Cruz and Parnamirim.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.