SEDIS employees participate in the Quality of Life at Work Virtual Visit
This Tuesday (27th) afternoon, employees of the Department of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte participated in the Virtual Visit of Quality of Life at Work, an action developed by the “Living in Harmony – Quality of Life” Program at Work”, by the Dean of People Management at the University (Progesp/UFRN).
For about 90 minutes, employees were able to expose, in a virtual meeting room, their daily realities in light of the challenges posed by the pandemic, both in their professional and personal lives. According to Angélica Gil, a psychologist at the Program and responsible for the activity, the objective of the initiative is to promote an atmosphere of well-being in the units, seeking to accommodate the demands of the servers.
For the UFRN Distance Education Secretary, Carmem Rêgo, participating in initiatives like this, in times of telework, collaborates with the maintenance of the SEDIS team unit, which “at no time, suspended the execution of activities, and which did not measure efforts to dedicate themselves to fulfilling all the tasks that multiplied throughout the pandemic”. Carmem Rêgo took the opportunity to praise the performance of all employees and recognize the power to overcome challenges.
In addition to the experience with the psychologist, in the programming, there was also music, with Bethowen Padilha, from the Audiovisual Sector at SEDIS. Ana Patrícia de Almeida Lima, administrator of the Quality of Life at Work Division (DQVT/UFRN), highlighted that the virtual visits will continue until they can be carried out in person and safely. To learn more about the Program, go here.
Bruno Cássio – SEDIS/UFRN Media Sector