São Gonçalo do Amarante

São Gonçalo do Amarante is a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in the mesorregion of the East Potiguar and microregion of Macaíba. Its population, according to the IBGE, the population, in 2018 is 101,102 inhabitants. It is distant thirteen kilometers from the capital and integrates the Metropolitan Region of Natal.

UAB Presence Support Center Dr. Rui Pereirauabsga2014@gmail.com

Address: R. Belchior de Oliveira Rocha S / N, center / São Gonçalo do Amarante
Phone: (84) 98706-9082
Coordinator: Profª. Rosilda da Costa Felix – rosildasga@hotmail.com
Technical support: Helomar Júnior
Cel. Institutional: (84) 98706.9082

Últimas notícias


Use of ChatGPT and plagiarism in the academic environment will be discussed at a virtual event promoted by SEDIS/UFRN


UFRN, IFRN, UFERSA and UERN discuss proposals to advance the internalization of higher education in the state


UFRN’s Rector reinforces the strategic role of Distance Education for Rio Grande do Norte