Parnamirim - Sedis


5 de December de 2018

Parnamirim is a Brazilian municipality located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Belonging to the Metropolitan Region of Natal, to the Meso-region of East Potiguar and to the microregion of Natal, it is located to the south of the state capital, distant of this twelve kilometers. It occupies an area of ​​120,202 km², and its population in 2018 is estimated at 255,793 inhabitants, according to the IBGE, and is the third most populous municipality in the state.

Presential Support Center UAB Parnamirim –

Municipal School Augusto Severo
Address: Sargeant Norberto Marques Street, 158, Centro, Parnamirim. CEP 59140-230
Phone: (84) 99171-1686
Coordination: Gildecy Souza da Silva –
Technical Support: Eriko da Silva Batista e Joelmir Alex de Sousa Barbosa  
Institutional Phone: (84) 9474-6654