Nova Cruz
5 de December de 2018
Nova Cruz is a Brazilian municipality located in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Meso-region and Microregion of Agreste Potiguar. According to IBGE, in 2018, its population is estimated at 37,233 inhabitants, being the twelfth most populous municipality in the state. Territorial area of 277,658 km².
Presential Support Center UAB Nova Cruz
UFRN/NESA – Agreste Higher Educantion Center
Adress: Assis Chateaubriand, s/nº, Center, CEP 59215-000
Phone: (84) 99474-6653
Coordinator: Luiz Augusto de Morais Filho –
Technical support: Monique Pereira da Costa
Institutional Phone: (84) 99474-6653