Categoria: partnership
9 de 54 notícias

UFRN’s EaD Secretary discusses partnerships with Portugal’s Open University
The Secretary of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Carmem Rêgo, recently arrived from Lisbon, where she participated in an extensive work agenda in order to strengthen partnerships with the Open University (UAb) of Portugal. Founded in 1988, UAb is the only public distance higher education institution in that country. […]

ESUD 2021 schedule will feature researchers from around the world
Natal lives the expectation of being, once again, the international capital of Higher Distance Learning. The city will host, simultaneously, the XVIII Brazilian Congress on Distance Higher Education (ESUD) and the VII International Congress on Higher Distance Education (CIESUD) promoted by the Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede) in partnership with the Federal University of Rio […]

Integral Education in RN is the theme of two simultaneous online events starting this Tuesday (24)
This Tuesday (24), two simultaneous events will start: the Cycle of Debate Debates and the III Jornada Potiguar de Educação Integral. Discussions will take place until next Thursday (26). According to Rute Alves de Sousa, professor of the EaD/UFRN Biological Sciences Course and member of the Territorial Committee for Integral Education of RN, organizing entity, […]