After success, series of webinars with themes related to the pandemic should return in 2021

For about two months, undergraduate distance learning students at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte were invited to participate in the webinar series “How are we living in times of pandemic: are we going to talk about us?”, An initiative of the Pedagogical Coordination of Distance Education at UFRN and which had the support of the management of the University’s Distance Education Department.

From September 16, 2020 to November 11, 2020, when the last edition of this first series was held, a total of eight webinars were broadcast live over the internet, with the Pedagogical Coordination Room as a virtual meeting point within the Academic Mandacaru . For the UFRN Pedagogical Coordinator of Distance Education, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, this was an important moment for students to speak and listen.

According to Lilian Zaros, the Coordination was receiving many messages from students related to psychological, family problems and even anxiety about returning to school. In this sense, “the discussions were rich, addressing stress, anxiety, physical exercise, false news in the areas of Health and Science and the history of pandemics”, evaluated the Coordinator.

The series was successful among students. According to Maria da Conceição Silva, an academic in the Biological Sciences Course in Guamaré / RN, Wednesday nights became special, as it was possible to dive into the current situation of the pandemic and all its impacts and, at the At the same time, renew your hopes for better days. She was one of the people who hoped that this initiative would be repeated.

And in response to the call of several students who expressed this interest through the webinar chats, the UFRN’s Secretariat of Distance Education, through the Pedagogical Coordination, is already preparing a second edition of these virtual seminars for February 2021. “In addition to all learning, the legacy of this experience is the rapprochement between students and the team that works in the Coordination, concluded Lilian Zaros.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

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