UFRN’s Rector talks about the expectations for the 3rd University Week of EaD at the University
On September 22, 23 and 24, 2022, the academic community of the distance education centers of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte will participate in the program of the 3rd University Week of EaD at UFRN. There will be three days dedicated to discussions about relevant topics for pole and course coordinators, professors, teaching assistants, tutors and undergraduate students. Registrations are open and can be made until September 21st via SIGAA.
According to the pedagogical coordinator of EaD/UFRN, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, among the main objectives of this third edition are “to promote and strengthen the integration between the subjects involved in the teaching-learning process of distance undergraduate courses at UFRN and, at the same time, to provide the opportunity to experience educational action, contributing to the improvement of the quality of learning in this type of education.
The program will open on September 22, starting at 7 pm, with a lecture that will address the theme: “The permanent study: motivation and effectiveness” and that will be broadcasted by the SEDIS Channel on YouTube. The big news for this edition will be the return of in-person activities at the EaD centers, which were suspended due to the sanitary measures imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Lilian Zaros, the fact that the actions will take place in person “will allow the student to experience the daily life of the physical spaces where the centers are located and where the integration of the community and the production of knowledge occurs.
UFRN’s rector, José Daniel Diniz Melo, spoke about the expectations for the positive impact of this initiative. For Daniel Diniz, “the 3rd UFRN EaD University Week is an important space to reflect on what has been developed and also aims to plan distance education actions in our University. The event will have activities in various areas of knowledge and in several centers, which reflects the comprehensive and democratic character of the education modality, as well as UFRN’s vision of the future, which is based on innovation, inclusion, and excellence.
Bruno Cássio – Communication Advisor, SEDIS/UFRN
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