SEDIS/UFRN receives a technical visit from the head of EaD at UFRRJ

The vice-coordinator of Distance Education at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), José Airton Chaves Cavalcante Junior, made a technical visit to the Distance Education Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS/UFRN), on the morning of Tuesday (19). The director of the Rio de Janeiro institution came in search of partnerships in the area of Open Educational Resources production, self-instructional courses and tools used in the elaboration of pedagogical materials for EaD.

According to the representative of EaD/UFRRJ, since 2017, the system package that makes the management of academic and institutional activities, known as “SIG” and, more recently, the module focused on EaD was acquired from UFRN: “I am responsible for the implementation of this module, not the technical implementation, but the administrative one, that is, to put this module to work”.

In Natal/RN, Professor José Airton got a close-up look at the work of the teams from the Secretariat that coordinates Distance Education at UFRN, especially the Accessibility, Audiovisual, Animation, Media, Publishing, and Educommunication Sectors: “I came here to learn all these details and I would like to thank UFRN, in the person of its technicians, for the attention given”.

At the end of the visit, the possibility of a SEDIS/UFRN team going to Rio de Janeiro to provide training and learn from UFRRJ’s experiences in introducing Technology-Mediated Education in the work routines was raised, which will be discussed in the future.

Bruno Cássio – Communication Advisor of SEDIS/UFRN.

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