UFRN has two members in the new management of UniRede
The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has two representatives in the new management of UniRede, an entity that brings together about 70 public institutions of higher education that work with the provision of technical, undergraduate and graduate courses, in the mode of Distance Education, throughout the country. The Secretary of EaD/UFRN, Carmem Rêgo, and the Pedagogical Coordinator of EaD/UFRN, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, will occupy positions considered strategic.
For the first time, Professor Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros was elected as the representative of the collaborating associates from the Northeast Region. According to the Pedagogical Coordinator of EaD/UFRN, the expectation is to make the interlocution between the Northeastern higher education institutions with UniRede, besides cooperating with the organization of regional events, such as seminars, and stimulating the realization of network research.
This will be the second consecutive mandate in which Professor Carmem Rêgo, manager of Distance Education at UFRN, will represent the Federal Institutions of Higher Education in this national organization. For Carmem Rêgo, “the articulation of the demands of public universities and institutes is her main mission, besides establishing a constant dialogue about the role of DE in the current scenario”.
The members of the new administration of UniRede, biennium 2022-2023, took office last February 18th. According to the new President of the Association, Elisa Tuler de Albergaria, the partnership with UFRN is consolidated, not only by the brilliant organization of two editions of the Brazilian Congress on Distance Higher Education, in Natal, but also by the opportunity to broaden discussions on transversal themes such as: hybrid teaching, remote teaching and new technologies applied to education.
About UniRede
The Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede) was created in 1999, as a university consortium, under the name of Universidade Virtual Pública do Brasil. Currently, UniRede operates in three important areas: the evaluation and monitoring of DE processes and projects with the Ministry of Education; the organization of the entity as a scientific society, and also the inter-institutional cooperation and dialogue with public policies and the networking philosophy.
Bruno Cássio – Communication Advisor at SEDIS/UFRN.
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