Secretary of EaD/UFRN represents the University’s Dean at the closing event of the 5th Class of the Specialization Course in Family Health at PEPSUS
The Secretary of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Carmem Rêgo, represented, this Tuesday morning (16), the University Dean, José Daniel Diniz Melo, at the Closing Ceremony of the 5th Class of the Course Specialization in Family Health from the Program of Continuing Education in Family Health (PEPSUS).
The program is the result of a partnership between the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), through the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS), with the support of the Department of Distance Education (SEDIS) and the Ministry of Health ( MS) and makes use of technological resources, for pedagogical purposes, available in the SUS Virtual Learning Environment (AVASUS).
During her speech, Carmem Rêgo highlighted the importance of the partnership with LAIS/UFRN and congratulated the approximately 600 health professionals who work in Primary Care in Rio Grande do Norte for this qualification: “it is worth remembering that, for the first time, the health professionals from Rio Grande do Norte benefit from this qualification, as the first groups were directed to professionals linked to the Mais Médicos Program”.
Also present at the virtual event were the Executive Director of LAIS/UFRN, Ricardo Valentim, the Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Family Health, José Adailton da Silva, the Vice President of the Council of Municipal Health Secretariats (COSEMS/RN ), Jalmir Simões, the Director of the School of Public Health of Rio Grande do Norte, Cláudia Frederico, and the State Secretary of Health, Cipriano Maia.
To check the recording of the solemnity, you can click here.
Bruno Cássio – journalist from the Media Sector at SEDIS/UFRN.
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