Partnership between LAIS and SEDIS will offer free online courses via Mandacaru AVAProex / UFRN

A partnership between the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS / UFRN) and the Secretariat of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN) will enable the offer of a series of new courses in the Virtual Learning Environment of Dean of Extension (Mandacaru AVAProex) at UFRN. The courses are also hosted in the SUS Virtual Learning Environment (AVASUS) and will now be shared with the entire academic community and society in general. In this first shipment, 20 free online courses were launched.

The courses cover health-related topics, such as: “Basic Life Support”, “Suicide Prevention”, “Early Stimulation” and “Breastfeeding in the context of covid-19”. They also have options in the areas of Education and Social Interactions, such as: “Basic Knowledge of Distance Education”, “Father Present – Care and Commitment” and “The Importance of Play and Family Participation for Child Development”.

Enrollments must be made from next Monday, March 8, 2021, via the Integrated System for the Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA). In the Extension tab, click on view “Courses or Events” and search for the courses you want to register. Then, click on subscribe, if you are registered with SIGAA, enter your email and password, otherwise, go to “I don’t have a registration yet!” and make your registration. To answer any questions, you can access this video tutorial.

According to UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, the Mandacaru AVAProex / UFRN was developed by the SEDIS / UFRN Team, which has expertise in customizing these virtual environments: “we are, in this way, democratizing even more access to free knowledge and open, which in the cases of these courses has the seal of AVASUS, a platform with more than 694 thousand registered users and more than 1.5 million enrollments ”.

Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.

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