Partnership between SEDIS / UFRN and the Public Ministry of RN will be expanded in 2021
Started in October 2018, with the launch of the new Formar MP Project platform, the partnership between the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) and the Distance Education Secretariat of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN ) achieved good results and will be expanded in 2021. This is what the Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Functional Improvement (CEAF), the Prosecutor Marcus Aurélio de Freitas Barros, tells us with enthusiasm. He took stock of the work done so far.
The collaboration gave rise to CEAF’s new Virtual Learning Environment (VLAE), with interactive resources that enabled the agency’s employees to join basic and continuing education courses offered at a distance. According to the CEAF Coordinator, there were more than 40,000 accesses, from the launch of the platform until the end of 2020, with a reach of 4,000 students in 117 classes and a total of 9,000 class hours distributed throughout the training.
For the Prosecutor, Marcus Aurélio de Freitas Barros, these are very expressive results and he adds: “another great result was the possibility of offering, via AVA, a course for all Guardian Counselors in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, the that contributes to the performance of this body in the most qualified protection for the children and adolescents of RN ”.
National Recognition
The connection with SEDIS / UFRN arose with the need to migrate a model of traditional, face-to-face training with limited concrete effects to a model for the realization of consistent continuous training in strategic areas, fully customized to the needs and reality of MPRN , clarifies the CEAF Coordinator, who also highlights the expertise, structure, quality and competence of SEDIS / UFRN as decisive factors to establish this cooperation.
National recognition was not long in coming. In November 2020, the Formar MP Project obtained, in its category, the third place in the CNMP Award, the most relevant award from the Brazilian Public Ministry. The initiative of the National Council for the Public Ministry was created to give visibility to the programs and projects that stood out the most in the implementation and alignment of the National Strategic Planning.
Goals for 2021
In 2021, still under the effect of the changes caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the Formar MP Project will contribute to the CEAF / MPRN being transformed into an “Institutional School”, with teaching, research and extension practices, with the production of courses that follow the logic of learning trails. Also being planned is the production of a public management course for the new managers and teams from the municipalities that took office earlier this year.
According to the Secretary of Distance Education at UFRN, Carmem Rêgo, this is the role of the university with regard to distance education: contributing to the continuing education of professionals and enabling, thus, maintaining the quality of the services provided to the citizens served by the Public Ministry of RN. “We are happy to be part of this success story and we are available to continue to follow, together, the paths of distance education for the development of our state”, he concluded.
Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector
Remember the presentation event of the new MPRN VLAE.
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