With support from SEDIS, PROGESP promotes a course for UFRN teachers in the area of educational technologies
The expression “new normal” is among the most used in social media and the traditional press to highlight the adaptation to the reality faced in Brazil and in the world in the face of the covid-19 pandemic. The Dean of People Management at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is connected with the current scenario, which requires the social distance recommended by Brazilian and international health agencies and, in this context, the need to implement emergency remote education.
Following the guidelines of the Higher Administration of the educational institution that, through Resolution No. 023/2020-CONSEPE, regulated the exceptional supplementary school period, from 06/15/2020 to 07/29/2020, PROGESP / UFRN will promote the “ Didactic Mediation Course with the aid of educational technologies ”, aimed at teachers who work in face-to-face teaching at the University. These actions will serve for the supplementary semester registered in the Academic Activities Management System as “2020.5”.
According to the Pro-Dean of People Management at UFRN, Mirian Dantas dos Santos, the main objective of this qualification is to promote the development of skills related to the use of technological tools in the teaching-learning process. Also according to the Pro-Rector, this qualification will enable the faculty to create, organize and develop their academic activities through technological platforms.
Partnership with SEDIS
According to UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, the SEDIS team collaborated with the selection of content and the development of educational modules that will be made available to teachers through PROGESP’s Virtual Learning Environment (AVAProgesp), also created with the support of the Secretariat staff.
The expectation is to bring together in the activities all professors of UFRN classroom teaching. Those interested can already register on the portal <www.sigrh.ufrn.br> until next Monday (22), when a web lecture will be held to mark the inaugural class of the course. The Secretary of Distance Education at UFRN will be the mediator of this activity that will have the participation of the Dean of the University, José Daniel Diniz Melo, and Professor Eloiza Oliveira, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), as a speaker.
Web lecture broadcast
The web lecture that will start the course is scheduled to start at 4 pm, on June 22, 2020, and will be transmitted through the SEDIS Channel on YouTube. The intention is to allow access, only in that first moment, to all those interested in the themes that will be discussed throughout the modules. During the qualification, only those who are logged in to AVAProgesp will participate in synchronous and asynchronous activities.
Anxious for the moment to share experiences, Professor Eloiza Oliveira, who is Director of the Multidisciplinary Institute for Human Training with Technologies (IFHT) at UERJ, declared that “didactic mediation with the use of technologies can be, in addition to transposing a of the challenges brought about by the covid-19 pandemic, a precious opportunity for innovation and discoveries in the universe of Education in Brazil and contribution to the improvement of teaching and learning in our country ”.
Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.
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