UFRN Adjunct Secretary of Distance Education defends Academic Memorial by videoconference
In times of virtual connections stimulated by social detachment, due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Assistant Secretary for Distance Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and Professor at the Department of Geography at UFRN, Ione Morais, defended this Thursday (18), via videoconference, his Academic Memorial, entitled: “Building the teacher: (geo) spellings of my life trajectory”.
What, at first sight, could represent the lack of human warmth and the gesture of looking, in person, for the members of the Memorial’s defense panel, ended up broadening horizons, breaking down geographical barriers and making it possible to bring together specialists from different states. Brazilians in a virtual event. The term most often cited throughout the speeches of the evaluators was “Geography of Affections” and not by chance.
Geography of affections
According to Ione Morais, “this expression represents a unique moment in my personal and professional trajectory; it is the culmination of a life project that becomes unfinished, because unfinished is the process of building and polishing my Being teacher ”. She clarifies that memorialist writing proved to be a unique opportunity to immerse herself in her personal and professional history, not simply to remember it, but to write it.
All members of the board participated directly in the consolidation of a teaching career that began 40 years ago. The professors Rita de Cássia da Conceição Gomes (UFRN), Beatriz Ribeiro Soares, from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), José Borzacchiello da Silva, from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and Jussara Fraga Portugal, from the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB).
Digital memorial
Also according to Professor Ione Morais, the Memorial is an autobiographical document drawn from a historical, reflective and substantiated narrative about the academic and institutional activities carried out by the professor. And, in this case, it is a requirement to achieve promotion to the “E” Class of Full Professor at UFRN. Defending this material with the help of Information and Communication Technology allowed students to follow the transmission in addition to teachers from the banking system.
There were about 70 people connected, in a special moment that deserved several digital photographic records made with great care. “In the path of university teaching, I sought to develop the praxis that is driven by teaching, leaving my students with marks for training and life and traces so that they can (re) find me”, defined Ione Morais when reflecting on this unforgettable experience .
Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.
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