SEDIS and PROAE / UFRN launch public notice for Digital Inclusion Assistance to EaD students
The Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS) and the Dean of Student Affairs (PROAE), both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), launched this Wednesday (10), the Call for Applications for Aid of Digital Inclusion, aimed at students enrolled in an exceptional supplementary period of distance courses at UFRN.
The Digital Inclusion Aid will be granted in a single installment, in the amount of R $ 150.00 (one hundred and fifty reais), to students enrolled in the exceptional supplementary period of distance learning courses and its main purpose is to contribute to the acquisition of data packages Internet access, in order to guarantee full participation in the academic activities in which these students enrolled.
Selective process
The aid will be financed with resources from the Open University of Brazil Program (UAB), and, for this reason, it is exclusively for active students of undergraduate courses in distance learning. The selection process will take place in two stages: in the first, students enrolled in curriculum components will be able to enroll, and in the second, students enrolled in activities that do not form classes.
To receive the Digital Inclusion Aid, the interested party must be a student in a situation of social vulnerability and identified as “priority” for attending student assistance in the UFRN’s Cadastro Único. In addition, you must be enrolled in disciplinary components and / or in activities that do not form classes in the supplementary period defined by Resolution No. 023/2020 – CONSEPE.
More details about the selection process, as well as information about the schedule, are available in the Public Notice.
Source: Bruno Cássio – SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.
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