UFRR professors know of successful experiences developed by SEDIS in the area of EaD
Morning very sunny and warm in Natal, as usual, but the favorite beach for the staff of the Department of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is to share knowledge in the area of EaD. This Friday (06), SEDIS received the visit of professors from the Federal University of Roraima, in a direct North-Northeast connection.
The Assistant Secretary of Distance Education of UFRN, Ione Morais, talked about the main projects carried out by SEDIS in the area of EaD and about the expertise in the integration of the Virtual Learning Environment, the Academic Mandacaru, and the Integrated System for Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA). Ione Morais highlighted a series of interactive resources used to maintain the interest of distance learning students.
The Vice-coordinator of the UFRN’s EaD Geography Course, Orgival Bezerra da Nóbrega, accompanied the visitors on a tour of the Secretariat’s facilities. In each sector, there was a pause to clarify doubts about the work of the teams in the production of teaching materials used in the formulation of video classes of undergraduate courses of the University and the modules of the Virtual Learning Environment of SUS, the AVASUS, which are also produced with the support of SEDIS.
Participated in the technical visit teachers Luciana Diniz Cunha, Coordinator of the Degree Course in Geography EaD/UFRR, Acauan Cardoso Ribeiro, Coordinator of the Degree Course in Informatics EaD/UFRR, and José Ivonildo de Lima, Coordinator of the Degree Course in Mathematics EaD/UFRR.
For José Ivonildo, it is possible to see future partnerships with SEDIS, in order to improve the work that is done in the state of Roraima. Luciana Diniz emphasized the integration between the various sectors and the differentiated profile of those who work with EaD at UFRN. Acauan Ribeiro praised the performance of professionals and also said that UFRR is open for an approach with UFRN in this area.
Source: Media Sector of SEDIS/UFRN
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