UFRN Distance Education Secretary and Pedagogical Coordinator give lectures at the University of Brasilia
The work performed in favor of distance education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was represented on November 7 and 8, 2019, in the federal capital, during an event held at the University of Brasilia (UnB). UFRN’s Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo, and UFRN’s Pedagogical Distance Education Coordinator, Lilian Giotto Zaros de Medeiros, gave lectures to the academic community.
The invitation to participate in this program was made by Professor Marcello Ferreira, Coordinator of the Open University of Brazil at UnB, one of the great partners of SEDIS in events related to Distance Education themes. This exchange of experiences strengthens the integration of social actors working in this type of education in various parts of the country.
In her talk, Carmem Rêgo spoke about “Management in DE”, highlighting the funding and distribution of resources for the operation of undergraduate courses, in addition to the importance of partnership with municipal and state public managers. Professor Lilian Zaros presented UFRN’s Integrated Academic Activities Management System (SIGAA) and how it is used to assist in the follow-up of DE students and pedagogical activities.
Distance learning courses offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to the population of Potiguares municipalities and neighboring states, such as Ceará and Paraíba, in partnership with the Open University of Brazil (UAB) System, have played an important role. in places where there was no prospect of access to free and quality Higher Education.
Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.
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