Distance Education Secretary represents UFRN at ESUD 2019
With the theme “Responsibilities and Challenges for the consolidation of distance education”, began on Monday (26), in the city of Teresina, capital of Piauí, the program of the XVI Brazilian Congress of Higher Distance Education (ESUD) and V International Congress of Higher Distance Education (CIESUD). In simultaneous events, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is represented by the Secretary of Distance Education, Carmem Rêgo.
In the first stage of the program, the Coordinator Forum of the Open University of Brazil (UAB) gathered at the Canary Auditorium of Uninovafapi, representatives from all Brazilian regions to discuss the challenges faced for the maintenance and implementation of Distance Education in distant places of large urban centers. In addition to being a distance learning manager at UFRN, Carmem Rêgo will be part of the new administration of the Networked University Association (UniRede) in the 2020-2021 biennium, as representative of the Federal Institutions.
At the official opening, held on Tuesday night (26), the president of UniRede, Alexandre Martins, presented an overview of distance education in Brazil and the need to maintain investments to expand vacancies to higher education at a distance. Then, Professor of Digital Media and Education at the University of Barcelona, Antonio Bartolomé, gave the lecture “Blockchain: New Challenges for EAD”.
UniRede is responsible for promoting ESUD and CIESUD, which this year has the partnership of the Federal University of Piauí, and support from the State University of Piauí, the Federal Institute of Piaui, the Uninovafapi University Center, the State Government from Piauí and Fadex. On the website <esud2019.ufpi.br>, you will find more details of the schedule that will be held until next Friday (29).
Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector.
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