Natal will win a Sensory Garden during the closing of the October Urban Circuit of the UN-Habitat Program

The capital of Rio Grande do Norte is on the map of the activities of the October Urban Circuit of the United Nations Program for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat) 2019. On October 31, World Cities Day, will be inaugurated inside the Parque das Sciences, at the Câmara Cascudo Museum in Natal, a Sensory Garden.

The inauguration of this Sensory Garden by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte is part of the event: “Education, Innovation and Inclusion: initiatives to promote sustainability”. This program in the city of Natal is the result of a network initiative of some universities in the Northeast of Brazil (UFC, UFCA, UFRN and UFOB), from the Cooperation and Studies Network on Sustainability, Innovation and Public Policy (RESIPP).

According to one of the coordinators of the Science Park, Magnolia Araújo, this type of garden already exists in some Brazilian capitals and is part of a social inclusion proposal, especially for blind people. Also according to Professor Magnolia Araújo, in the Garden, visitors will be encouraged to touch, smell, taste and interact with the surrounding environment.

People who are not visually impaired, the so-called seers, can also enjoy this space of experimentation and learning, because besides stimulating the senses, the intention is to arouse the feeling of respect and protection for nature and thus multiply the teachings. related to environmental awareness.

In addition to the opening of the Sensory Garden for visitors, scheduled to take place from 8:30 am on the last day of October, the program will consist of a panel for sharing inclusion and innovation initiatives in the educational and museum context and two practical courses.
For further details, visit the event link at SIGAA / UFRN.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

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