UERN to open four new EaD degrees in 2019
In the special series on Distance Education in our state we landed in Mossoró. The second largest city of Potiguar houses the Central Campus of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Concerned with the expansion of access to higher education to the populations of several North-Rio Grande municipalities, UERN has a specific sector for the promotion of the EAD modality.
According to a report released by the university’s communication office, the Directorate of Distance Education of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (DEaD / UERN) won the approval of new courses last year, as well as the formation of a new class of Letters- Portuguese Language and the third offer for Specialization in Media in Education.
In this sense, there is a confidence in the possibility of expanding the activities developed, mainly in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte. We spoke with the Director of DEaD / UERN, Giann Mendes Ribeiro, to talk about the contribution of distance education in professional qualification in regions far from the state capital and what are the perspectives for 2019.
According to Giann Mendes, EAD’s role in DEaD / UERN is to provide access to public and quality education for social groups that would not be able to attend higher education in person, either because of the impossibility of studying and working , or by its geographical location.
Still according to him, at present, in five poles of face-to-face support, two classes of the Course of Letters-Portuguese Language are in activity. Mendes also highlights the expectation of authorization from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) to start and offer vacancies for 4 new degrees.
The director of DEaD / UERN clarifies that these new courses were approved in Notice 05/2018, published in March of last year. The degrees are in the areas of Letras-Libras, Letras-Inglês, Música e Educação do Campo. To find out more information and follow the progress of this vacancy process, you can access <www.dead.uern.br>.
Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector
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