SEDIS collaborators organize literary work launched during festivals of the 60 years of the Central Library Zila Mamede

In the morning of Thursday (2), the auditorium of the Central Library Zila Mamede (BCZM), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), received guests to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the library that is a reference in literary collection in the state . The UFRN Central Library was founded on May 2, 1959, and in 1985 it was renamed Zila Mamede, a tribute to the first Potiguar librarian, who for years directed it.

The event was opened with an ecumenical act followed by the launch of a series of literary works. Among the titles released, highlight “Immortal Hour – Contemporary UFRN”. The title of the book is a direct reference to a quotation made by Luís da Câmara Cascudo in his address in March 1959, during the installation of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

The work makes a contemporary analysis of the text titled University and Civilization, read by Câmara Cascudo in this historical event. In the essay, he addressed the concepts of culture and civilization, as well as spoke about the importance of universities in the civilizing process – a debate that, even after six decades, remains quite current.

The Secretariat of Distance Education of UFRN (SEDIS) could not be left out of this important moment. Thus, among the organizers of the texts present in the book “Immortal Hour”, there are two SEDIS collaborators: José Correia and Kaline Sampaio. The photographer of the Communication Department of the university’s Rectory, Cícero Oliveira, completes the team responsible for the organization of the work.

In the book, in addition to the textual historical rescue, there are more than 170 images recorded in the last six years at UFRN. This work should not be kept only as a souvenir but rather used as a theoretical reference for research on the university and the Potiguar society by the new generations of readers.

Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector

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