UFRN’s distance learning academic community discusses advances in the area in Natal
The auditorium of the Education Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was crowded at the opening of the seminar “EaD at UFRN: (in) formative itineraries”. The intention, according to the organizers, is to provide a moment of discussion and reflection on the role of all professionals involved in distance learning courses at UFRN.
The Campus Coordinators of Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Lajes, Guamaré, Macao, Grossos, Currais Novos, Caicó, Caraúbas, Martins, Luís Gomes and Marcelino Vieira presented positive experiences in their regions, such as the extension projects, scientific events and integration projects with society.
Faculty and distance tutors, coordinators and secretaries of course, coordinators and secretaries of polo, teachers who work in this modality, as well as teaching assistants, had the opportunity to share knowledge and difficulties in carrying out their activities.
According to the SEDIS Pedagogical Coordinator, Lilian Zaros, the dynamic of the event that will be closed on Wednesday (13) in the auditoriums of SEDIS and the Education Center is to: stimulate dialogue, present technological tools and provide interaction between staff of the Secretariat and the professionals who work in places so far from the capital.
For the Assistant Secretary of Distance Education of UFRN, Ione Morais, this is a time to define strategies for improving the teaching and learning processes in the EaD courses. She took the opportunity to launch the second edition of the book Seridó norte-rio-grandense: a geography of resistance, the result of her doctoral thesis. Each of the Polo Support Coordinators received a copy. In addition to this important work, they will carry in the luggage a collection of new initiatives to put into practice in the semester 2019.1.
Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector
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