SEDIS and CAENE Accessibility Sector Committee visits in-state support centers
A group of professionals from the Accessibility Sector of SEDIS and the Permanent Commission to Support Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE) has been conducting, since last week, a series of pedagogic visits to the in-person support centers where courses are offered superior to distance.
The main objective of the visit is to know how the students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) have special educational needs, and if they are receiving adapted pedagogical material in the necessary conditions and quantity. This is also a way to get a closer look at the reality experienced by these students.
In the route of the entourage, students are attended by the poles of Currais Novos, Marcelino Vieira, Martins and Luís Gomes. Some were visited in cities near these poles, because of the difficulty of displacement. The professionals will also visit the pole of New Cross, on date to be confirmed.
The group, Beatriz Andrade and Flávia Viana, from the Accessibility Sector of SEDIS and Elaine Medeiros and Érika Ferreira, from CAENE / UFRN, are part of the group.
Source: SEDIS / UFRN Media Sector
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