Marcelino Vieira

Marcelino Vieira is a municipality in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Belonging to the Pau dos Ferros Microregion and the West Potiguar Meso-region, it is located 390 km from the state capital. It occupies an area of ​​345,707 km², and only 0.36682 km² are in urban perimeter. Its population is estimated at 8,358 inhabitants, according to IBGE.

UAB Support Center Marcelino Vieira

Address: Travessa Néo Pontes, s / n, Centro. Zip Code: 59.970-000
Phone: (84) 99648-4321
Coordinator: Francimeire Cesário de Oliveira Queiroz –
Technical support: José Liomar Mendes de Oliveira
Cel. Institutional: (84) 99648-4321

Últimas notícias


Use of ChatGPT and plagiarism in the academic environment will be discussed at a virtual event promoted by SEDIS/UFRN


UFRN, IFRN, UFERSA and UERN discuss proposals to advance the internalization of higher education in the state


UFRN’s Rector reinforces the strategic role of Distance Education for Rio Grande do Norte