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9 de 140 notícias

SEDIS and CAENE Accessibility Sector Committee visits in-state support centers
A group of professionals from the Accessibility Sector of SEDIS and the Permanent Commission to Support Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE) has been conducting, since last week, a series of pedagogic visits to the in-person support centers where courses are offered superior to distance. The main objective of the visit is to know how […]

SEDIS participates in the Campaign to Combat Aedes aegypti in UFRN
The Directorate of Health Care of the Server (DAS / Progesp), in partnership with the Environment Division of the Infrastructure Superintendence (DMA / Infra), the Extension Pro-Rectorate (Proex), the Work Quality of Life Program (PQVT), the School of Health of UFRN and the Municipal Health Department of Natal (SMS), from this Monday (25) until next […]

SEDIS launches a call for registration training for tutor in person
SEDIS has issued a call for the formation of a reserve register for the role of in-person tutor of the undergraduate courses in Mathematics and Biological Sciences, in Poles de Currais Novos and Guamaré. Entries will begin next Monday (25) and will remain open until March 10, 2019. The announcement is available here. Access, read […]

Registration for participation in the Trilhas Potiguares 2019 go until March 6th
They were opened in February and follow until March 6, 2019, the registration for the formation of teams that will participate in this year’s edition of the Trilhas Potiguares program. The initiative, conducted over 20 years ago, consists of an extension program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and establishes an interaction […]

UFRN’s distance learning academic community discusses advances in the area in Natal
The auditorium of the Education Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was crowded at the opening of the seminar “EaD at UFRN: (in) formative itineraries”. The intention, according to the organizers, is to provide a moment of discussion and reflection on the role of all professionals involved in distance learning courses […]

UFRN and Universidade Aberta de Portugal launch a free online course in the area of Environment and Sustainability
At a time when Brazil and the world are following the consequences of the tragedy in the Brazilian city of Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, after the rupture of the mining dam Vale, which resulted in the death of more than 140 people, Environment and Sustainability gain even more emphasis from the international press. The Federal University […]

SEDIS promotes seminar that will discuss strategies for Distance Education in UFRN
The UFRN Secretariat for Distance Education will promote, on February 12 and 13, 2019, the seminar “EaD at UFRN: (in) formative itineraries”. The event will be held in two locations, the auditoriums of the Education Center of UFRN and SEDIS, and its main objective is to plan the strategies for the beginning of the activities […]

Academic Calendars for the academic semester 2019.1 are now available
The break is almost over, guys! The Academic Calendars of the Undergraduate and Bachelor’s degree courses offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the EAD mode in 2019.1 are already available. The semester will begin on February 11, 2019, but do not waste time! You can now access the “Services” tab […]