Categoria: News
6 de 123 notícias
27 de February de 2019

SEDIS and CAENE Accessibility Sector Committee visits in-state support centers
A group of professionals from the Accessibility Sector of SEDIS and the Permanent Commission to Support Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE) has been conducting, since last week, a series of pedagogic visits to the in-person support centers where courses are offered superior to distance. The main objective of the visit is to know how […]
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12 de February de 2019

UFRN’s distance learning academic community discusses advances in the area in Natal
The auditorium of the Education Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was crowded at the opening of the seminar “EaD at UFRN: (in) formative itineraries”. The intention, according to the organizers, is to provide a moment of discussion and reflection on the role of all professionals involved in distance learning courses […]
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