Natal will be the national and international center of distance education
What are the paths of learning and knowledge permeated by digital culture? What knowledge do you need to educate the future? These are some of the questions that will be discussed, from November 20 to 23, 2018, during the XV Brazilian Congress of Distance Higher Education (ESUD) and the IV International Congress of Higher Distance Education (CIESUD), promoted by the University Association in Network (UniRede).
The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, through the Department of Higher Distance Education of UFRN, will host the simultaneous events. During these days Natal will be the national and international capital of distance higher education and will receive specialists from various parts of Brazil and the World (Europe, Africa, Asia and North America etc.).
All the programming will take place at the Praiamar Natal Hotel & Convention, located on the banks of one of the most beautiful postcards of the city: Ponta Negra beach. The opening lecture will be given by the rector of the University of Athabasca (UA), Canada, Neil Fassina. Neil is a PhD in Management from the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Calgary. As an educator, Neil Fassina has developed courses in effective negotiation strategies, strategic thinking and planning, leadership, conflict management and communications for undergraduate and graduate students.
The ESUD and CIESUD are a democratic space for reflection on issues important to Distance Higher Education in Brazil and in the globalized world. On the ESUD 2018 site <>, you will find more details on programming. Follow the information on ESUD 2018 and CIESUD 2018 also through social networks: <> and <>.
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